Valley Guardian (Commercial)

Being a big fan of Hayao Miyazaki I have always wanted to create some of those lush green rolling hills featured in many of his films. Of course I want everyone to be able to render that image too. So I used some new school tech with some old school tech and it worked out great. It works in Iray with any HDRI Sky In 3Delight with any dome or backdrop. The background is independent from the foreground for parallax animation and the ability to render from all 360 degrees.

VG Main.jpg
1008 x 1300 - 1M

3369 x 1250 - 4M

3369 x 1250 - 4M

1008 x 1300 - 1M
Post edited by AntMan on
Looks awesome - definitely something I would buy
Looking great, and it definitely has a Miyazaki vibe :)
Thanks! I hope what I see on Chrome is wrong (well I know it is) it says only one person viewed the post... but I know it's at least two!!! ; )
View counter seems to be broken, I see a lot of threads with only one view reported but more than one comment
First time been on Commercial Thread in past two days. Working in DAZ Studio, back to this computer.
What I see in your art is incredible and fascinating. I am not familiar with the references, but... I need to do the homework and boy does it spark ideas.
My thanks and I will be watching for it to go on sale. A quick snatch and grab operation is planned, store credit damage control alerted!
Thanks Mary
When My Daughters were young I got real tired of watching princess movies and a friend recommended a animated movie called "my neighbor totoro". Like you I had never known anything about it or the landslide of films that became our family favorites. The great thing was I loved watching them. Yeah the kids too but what a change from the well worn classics.
Totoro is awesome. Most of Mizazaki and/or Studio Ghibli movies are, for that matter :)
Looks amazing. I will be buying this one.
Love Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, just be aware that Grave of The Fireflies is about the most soul-crushing movie ever made.
Looks awesome!
reminds me of Easter Island
Oh, are any of the robot parts articulated?
Very true, it's an excellent film. I watched it once. I'll never watch it again. It's so beautifully, horribly sad, I don't think I could stand it.
Woke up late to see this set is live, nice! I hope folks enjoy the set PM me with any questions or post here. I will post tips later today.
I adore Laputa. And, honestly? I actually like your figure more. ;)
Any chance of a figure version?
You never know, I really need to get back to my robotics and on my list is a robot with a more tribal history.
I recieved a PM Asking why I didn't create a infanit plane. Fair question. Mostly because no matter what you do on higher angles the tile repeat is so obvious. And most shots are done from a human POV or a little higher or lower. which this set up works great for. The trick in most productions is to create with the render engine in mind so full sized environments work great in the Unreal Engine but crush my PC. Even they use Tiles but they obsure them with objects which add up and kill my PC with long render times.
So that is a long winded answer to a simple question but I thouth it would be good to share the exhcange with everyone. Also I made a Grass tile color matched to the set with Normal and Height maps, no Metallic or Roughness just dial them up to match the set. Now they can create an infanite plan if they want to as can you if that is what you need for the shot you want. Below is a link to my drop box with 1 file inside you'll find three maps.
Thanks for the support and input
Yeah, large planes are... annoying in that respect.
One reason I worked on procedural textures, so it can look decent close and far. But ... mm.
Just a quick note, the snatch and grab went off, but my winter cold is taking a hit on my head, so other than downloading, no playing yet. Wanted to thank you again for the gift of your talent.
Looked into the anime and tried my hand at a homage to both your work and Totoro.
Very cute image :)
Thanks Leana
Mary that's the vibe!!! Very cool thanks for sharing with us.
Well I will admit when I have hit a Niche Ditch. A place where a product is right for me and say a dozen other people. For anyone who may have been interested but passed, I'm curious if it was because of the set up or the content? I designed this to give users the full environment look without all the data that slows down the render. A lot of folks have bigger machines and they may want the larger sets, of course having a larger machine means it renders real time so that might work out OK. Probably subject matter, just checking though.
John AKA AntMan
I liked the look of the scenery, but am in "not spending" mode right now, and I wasn't sure if the grass and such would look right without the ruined robot bits. The actual scene as a whole is evocative and the promo images are well done, just not something I wanted/needed so badly that I felt like I had to buy it RIGHT NOW, and forget the budget. I like your robots, but I feel like a demolished one would be better as an addon to a functioning robot, rather than set dressing for a still life scene, if that makes any sense.
Odaa No that's excellent input!
I don't want anyone to feel bad though I just want to make better products. I mean I can make almost anything and sometimes I do a product because I just have to, it just wants to be made. If those don't sell I know why. Some I do because I really like a subject and I know others share that interest and they do well. But no matter the why, I'm always trying to make better products. Like now they all have 3D textures, I'm not sure if it's a big selling point but there is a solid reason to make them. So it's always good to here well meaning pros and cons. ; )
NIche, maybe yes. But the grass was excellent, the modelling as well. I found the layout of the robot really good for placing my characters on them. And there is the fact it is not a massive set and easy to work with that is useful, plus while I work in Iray, I can appreciate that you have 3DL materials for those that still use it. This set maybe one that sells well over a long period of time, as folks need 'just this type of scene' for the story in their head.
And I need to say thank you belatedly. I enjoyed playing in your sandbox.
Thanks! I should have mentioned this, sometimes there's so much going on important simple things get left out.
Hidden Robot mode, is always an option. In the shader pane select all the robot parts " FG_" and dial the Cutout Opacity to 0.00 and now you have an open set you can put whatever you want into.
This is an unaltered render. I have two nvidia graphic cards so things render pretty fast but this renders really fast under two minutes. 1380x700
Personally I really loved the idea, but it looked to me to not be that customisable if it had been seperate broken robot parts I would have jumped at it but as it is I passed. Sorry
I was also put off by the grass, to me it looked too long and too straight and up right as well as appearing rather sparse. I'm usually in awe of the quality of yur products and the grass thing could easily have been overcome by replacing it, so really it was the static prop piece that stopped me buying.
Hey no problem in hind sight separate parts make sense. There’s no road map with me since every outing is something new, I build on past missteps but if I did only shoes the next shoe would benefit directly from the last. I’m staying clear of grass form here on. To make it the way I want to everyone would need to be running a top of the line rendering machines and that’s not the case so for now there’s no point doing it.