Unable to copy/paste primitives
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When creating a cube I am unable to copy and paste it (replicated it)
when I copy ctrl+c / ctrl+v - or if upon selecting the object and then using the pull down menu to copy/paste I am unable to replicate the object
is there something that I must do before copy/paste commands will work?
universal tool activated
Copy and paste doesn't work on objects...just settings (you can copy and paste the surface settings from one cube to another...for example).
You can however, in the Create menu create a New Node Instance and use Copy Selected Item
Maybe it suits your needs.
If you decide to create a new primitive and then copy the pose settings from the original and past them to the new one to move it to the same spot, note that you should make sure it is not parented to another object during the copy/paste or it won't end up where you expect. (unparent, copy, paste, then re-parent).
very helpful - thanks for the comments!
that solves my problem!