Transparent materials to see inside the model

Maybe everybody knows this, maybe there is a better way to do it. I am making models where I want to see inside during construction. The easiest way I've found to do that is to make a new material and apply it to my geometry. Then I adjust opacity until I can see inside as I please.
Select Faces, CRTL-B to hide selected faces.
Hide object in the scene tab.
Good idea but I don't want to hide the geometry. I want to see it and be able to work on it, work in it and around it. I want to make adjustments based on whatever is inside. I want to build inside the outer shell. I want to see how it all fits together. Transparent materials let me do all of this. I freeze the pieces that I want to leave untouched. If hexagon had layers, I might assign the geometry to other layers. But even that has its limits.
There's a transparency option on the lower tool bar.
When activated, you can select edges and vertexes inside the geometry, but not faces.
Right. Except that only works when the component is selected. Inside faces can be tricky. Sometimes, have to hide things. Sometimes, I can zoom inside the model and access those faces.
It depends on the model you are making.
Yes, exactly