shader mixer: displacement brick
I'm trying to do something with the shader mixer again, and I'm unclear how the displacement brick is supposed to work. Some of the examples seem to suggest there might be two kinds of displacement bricks, but maybe not since you can rename them, and I can' t seem to get them to have any effect. (and I did see in one tutorial that you can't see the effect until you render, so I'm trying to look for that rather than in the preview pane within the Shader Mixer tab.)
Ok, starting with something very basic. I'm trying to plug a Clouds brick into a Displacement brick to get the cloud pattern to show up as diplacement height variations. Is this even valid to be doing like this?
509 x 442 - 16K
No, it's not set up correctly.
I don't have time tonight, but maybe in the morning I will be able to show it.
If you could point out what I'm doing wrong, if you get a chance, that would help greatly. Thanks! No rush. Wish I had a full-fledged manual for this section beyond the tutorials and examples I do have. Hopefully if I can get enough momentum going on this I'll start to see the big pitcture and know what sorts of things to try/avoid as well as build up a nice library of my own working examples for later review.
You need to connect a DS Default Displacement brick to your Displacement Brick.
Pic 1 is how to set up Bump and Displacement, Pic 2 is Displacement, and pic 3 is just Bump.
And then you feed the output of your Noise (clouds) into the Displace location.
You don't have to use the default displacement brick, but you do need to feed a normal vector fo some kind to the N input - in your screen shot you are feeding a plain number, F for float, and that certainly won't work. the P input if for a point, defining where the displaced mesh ends up, and again must take a point (or a vector with values that match the desired point) as input to give sensible results.
Yeah, but you won't have strength/min/max controls if you don't, unless you build something similar.
Thanks for the examples! I found the other brick I couldn't locate anywhere yesterday, and with that hooked up my displacement is now working as expected.