(not technically a product but!) Wish list improvement Ideas
So here are some suggestions that I think would help with improving the "My Wishlist"
1) The ability to re organize it by categories/ filters:
Suggestions of Categories/ filters:
- price (either highest to lowest or lowest to highest)
- Name (A to Z or Z to A)
- Release date (Most recent to oldest or reverse)
(the first three should be no brainers since they are store filters)
- Item type grouping (hair, clothing, people, scenes etc.)
-Artist grouping
- program type grouping
2) Search Function
- this should work much like the store search using it's categories (ex. if I type in Super Heroes then the wish list would filter out any thing in my wishlist that didn't have that category attached
3) check boxes for delete function
- so rather then having to go through and 0 out quantities or click and wait for reload check the boxes and hit delete items
4) Auto Removal upon purchase
- Quite often I will buy something from my wishlist by clicking add to cart from the product page rather then my wish list.this happens for three reasons mostly. I have clicked on the item to re read its description or get a closer look while comparing it to another item, I remember it is in my wishlist, but its easier to just run the store search for it(this would be partly solved by having a search function and or filters), and last but not least I see it while looking around and forget it was in my wishlist cause it is such a mess(this too would be partly solved by filters)
Thread moved to the Commons since it isn't a product suggestion
alright fair enough I just wasn't sure where to put it thanks
Not a problem. You may be better response in the Common and DAZ does occasionally watch this room
I would like to see the icons for DO and PC come back.
Which products are you referring to. I'm seeing DAZ and PC icons on products. Or do you mean in the wishlist
I mean in My Wishlist. Would make it easier to know what I can or can't use a coupon on.
PC items are generally $1.99 unless there's a special sale like the PC ann'y sale in October each year.
The DO icon in the wishlist would be helpful. I don't always remember what products's a PA item or a DO item just by looking at the thumbnail, or even the name.
I can remember if the price is $1.99 or $2.99, but we do have quite a few PC items over $2.99.
All items in the PC category are $1.99 or 2.99 (at least if you're a PC member). Try to sort by lowest/highest price.
You're probably thinking of DO's (DAZ Originals) which include many PC items.
All items in the PC category are $1.99 or 2.99 (at least if you're a PC member). Try to sort by lowest/highest price.
You're probably thinking of DO's (DAZ Originals) which include many PC items.
I stand corrected, Taozen. All PC items are $1.99 or $2.99. So then we only need the DO icon to help us spend our coupons.
I'd like the wishlist to stop me adding more than one of any item to the wishlist - in the same way I can only add one of an item to the cart. It is really annoying when you find out you've added an item twice when trying to add the item to the cart.
The option to edit a g1/g2 characters weight map.
lol I second this. There is one product I have added 5 times; must really want it.