Advice for Spacemouse Compact?

I recently picked up a 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Compact after seeing some positive comments about it, but I'm having poor results.  After turning down all of the speeds way down I was able to get controllable camera controls.  When I switch to Transforming Scene Item mode under Edit-Device Settings... the results are horrible.  There is enormous lag when posing the bones of a character.  First, there seems to be a bit of lag after selecting a bone where the SpaceMouse is still controlling the previously selected bone.  Then there is a period of time where the screen does not update and so the bone jumps signifigantly.  This tendancy is magnified if there are any items, such as hair or wardrobe, parented to the object.

Has anyone else run into these problems?  Are there any solutions?  I'm running a Ryzen 5 3600 with 64GB of DDR4 and a GTX 1660 graphics card.  The last round of testing I did used a single viewport with a Smooth Shading draw mode in order to maybe minimize the workload.


  • haniwaselecthaniwaselect Posts: 1
    edited July 2020

    I had the same problems. I think I just found the solution. Try this:

    1. Open Windows Explorer (assuming you are using Windows) and navigate to "%APPDATA%\3Dconnexion\3DxWare\Cfg". You will find config file named "DAZStudio.xml".
    2. Open "DAZStudio.xml" in text editor whatever you like.
    3. Modify "OverallScale" value to 0.01 and save (overwrite) the file.

    That's all. Works fine for me for now.

    Post edited by haniwaselect on
  • Hi, I'd like to try this. However the APPDATA folder seems to be  hidden  or protected. Can you discribe how to actually access the relivent configure file?

  • Hi, I'd like to try this. However the APPDATA folder seems to be  hidden  or protected. Can you discribe how to actually access the relivent configure file?

    Have you tried pasting


    in the adderss bar of a file browser window?

  • Hi, I'd like to try this. However the APPDATA folder seems to be  hidden  or protected. Can you discribe how to actually access the relivent configure file?

    Have you tried pasting


    in the adderss bar of a file browser window?

    Well I'll be dipped. I just did not know you could do that.LOL thanks Richard!

  • Thanks haniwaselect it is more managable now.

  • ChakradudeChakradude Posts: 271
    edited September 2020


    Post edited by Chakradude on
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