Traditional Japanese/Samurai Clothing

lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
edited March 2020 in Product Suggestions


So, we've had a tonne of amazing "Asian" themed clothing recently but what is big time missing for me is some authentic traditional Japanese/samurai clothing. We have the gorgeous kimonos from Moonscape Graphics and sade, but I'm talking about the full traditional garb with trousers, high wrap over top and jacket, rope belt for swords, etc, as per these dapper 19th century gents:




Does anyone know if such a product is available, or if not is there a PA out there who could gift this to the community via Daz store? I for one would purchase immediately!


Thanks so much :)



Post edited by lana_lass on


  • MoonCraft3DMoonCraft3D Posts: 379

    Whoever makes these items, please take the time to actually research the details and aspects of this clothing.

    Kimono are not just bathrobes with long sleeves and a belt in the middle. There are many online resources to help you learn more about Japanese kimono, haori, obi, and more. - online kimono store with categories, and educational info based in the USA - another online kimono store based in Japan which also has categories and educational info

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