My renders thread

I will post any renders I do here, feel free to look and critique or like or not. :)
First one is just called "Alleyway", interpret this image in anyway you wish, what has she done?, is she scared?, lost?, or done some thing really bad?. :D
Image removed by a moderator till resized...please see this thread for info:
Post edited by fixmypcmike on
Holly cow!!! they come out big hehehhehehe!
Ok re-sized, its look a bit odd but ah well. <-full size version.</p>
WIP test render.
The armour is actually white but has turned out chrome due to a side affect of LUXrender, hair needs work as does the pose.
Very low quality LUXrender for testing.
Sorted the pose, the swords need setting properly, poke through on the hair to sort too. coming along nicely i think.....
Finale image.
Who dares the Chrome Warrior?
Victoria 4
Amy elite
Prompt fantasy
Boudoir whispers
Not the best I have done but maybe some one will like it.
I did a render that is similar to this, but I'm thinking your's looks better than mine. I was just looking at mine, and it doesn't seem to have the same depth that yours has. I may have to work on this, LOL! I'll show you my render when I figure out how to make it smaller. It's a little on the big side.
And I like the girl in the metal outfit! Nice! And the girl on the lounger reminds me of one I did too, except I'm not sure I could show it here...
Use photoshop to drop the size down to 600x600 that's what i do, keep a copy of the original.
Thanks for the comments.
Use photoshop to drop the size down to 600x600 that's what i do, keep a copy of the original.
Thanks for the comments.
I took it off, so as not to be rude. Sorry.
Edit= But, when I try to upload it (in a smaller size), I get a message that says the filetype I'm trying to use (.jpg) is not allowed. So I don't know...I guess I'll make my own thing for this stuff.
Hey Mike, your final chrome render is superb m8 :coolsmile:
Thanks Kylumi, im just experimenting with custom mirrored surfaces in LUX at the moment, fresh out of ideas as well.
Thanks Kylumi, im just experimenting with custom mirrored surfaces in LUX at the moment, fresh out of ideas as well.
Boy, do I know that feeling :)
Originally this was a test for figuring out custom mirrored surfaces in LUXrender, having achieved the mirror I wanted I couldn't get the pose I was after so i set about doing a portrait instead and this is the result.
After 19 and half hours and 4000 samples i decided to stop it as the image was not going to change much more than it had done.
Bruuna body morphs
Amy elite textures
Daiquiri dress with anna lee mats
Sapphire fox hair with blonde mats
I set LUX with the Agfachrome rsx 200CD film response and set the mesh lights to aqua, this brought out the blonde in the hair really nice.
Hope my first portrait is ok, I used a black background to help light up her hair.
Mike that is great! I don't think they would let you play in the New User Portrait contest with work like this.
Hells bells!!! theres a contest? hehehehhe. Thanks Jeff.:-)
There is something very appealing and real with her imperfections, especially around the lips. It adds to the realism. Well done.
Thanks Firstbastion, I have my eye on your Walk across water scene :D
You made a great job of this one, my friend. Thats an interesting point about the 200CD FR, too. I tend to use the gamma correction more than the FR's, unless I am going for the B&W look, of course. :lol:
You made a great job of this one, my friend. Thats an interesting point about the 200CD FR, too. I tend to use the gamma correction more than the FR's, unless I am going for the B&W look, of course. :lol:
Thanks, I really like the burnt look that the chrome FR gives and I made a pleasing discovery with this one too, using a chrome FR then changing the mesh light colour plays havoc with the hair colour.
West Park hospital once home to the screams of the lonely, the desperate and the insane, it`s halls and corridors resonated to the mournful cries of minds in pain.
Now it`s empty,sad memories float down the empty halls and corridors as the sound of the wind cry`s at the emptiness.
What happened to West Park hospital?
Ok same portrait as before but with blue Chelsea hair and the over time bustier, i decided to try using the lace maker texture to make the bustier see through. Same Agfachrome rsx 200 CD and aqua mesh softbox mesh lights. <- full size image</p>
Resized due tot his dumb forum not working properly, also it`s about time they fixed the thread bumping too.
Once a busy place, West Park Hospital was home to patients of all descriptions, the lost, the lonely, the sad and the insane. Now just an empty shell of creaking floorboards and rotting metal, the windows cracked and the stair cases broken, all that can be heard now is mournful sound of the wind as it cries for West Park Hospital.
My first full nude portrait, started out as a human female then when i added the hair though she would look a lot better as an elf.
Victoria 4.2
Amy elite textures
Instant rainbow of nails
Resplendent tresses hair
Bo charms necklace
Hope you like it. <- link to image due to the forum TOS</p>
This caused me such a headache trying to line up the light rays to give enough illumination for the female figure. Rendered to 1k samples and 20 hours render time, theres some render noise still left untouched and there's some poke through that I missed.
Enjoy :)
A quick render while testing out light rays.
Stephanie 4
The performer for V4
Prettyscious tail hair
I will keep posting though it seams no one is seeing them due to the f****d forums.
WOW!! Who are you and what have you done with the Mike I knew just a few months ago?
Your skill has improved so fast I'm at a loss for words. I am not looking forward to facing you in another contest.
I have not gained anything Jeff, I just find LUX so much easier to work with. The long render times are a right royal pain but the results speak for them selves i guess. You have nothing to fear, :D
You can not say that Mike. Your Posing and composition has become very very good. I can remember when you did not notice a sword was upside down. Sorry I said that in public but it is true. You have come a very long away in a very short time.
Well it`s very nice of you to say so Jeff. Theres more to come............slowly (damn you LUX) :D but more none the less.
I want to make some kind of series out of west park and will be visiting that forsaken hospital once again soon.