preview window periodically jogging up or down out of sync with mouse click area

srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Sometimes when you are in Textured Shaded mode previewing your scene, the view will suddenly adjust vertically. I seem to be having it a lot with the scene I'm currently working with, but don't remember that problem happening much in the past (although that might explain the occasional inability select objects if I didn't realize it was happening), I'm hoping somebody might know what I might have done differently that could be causing it (could it be related to my choice of document size? That's a recent change due to the monitor replacement). It's hard to describe and I don't have screenshots handy plus my scene is tied up rendering for the next day, and I'm also a little unclear exactly when it is happening.

So basically my render looks like I expect, but SOMETIMES when I go to Textured Shaded mode, the contents of the scene have moved upward; the top is cut off, and I can see more of the bottom that I should, maybe an extra inch or a little less. However, it's only the view of the scene, the objects are still where they were in the render, so if I want to select something small, I actually have to guess and click about an inch below it (essentially impossible to do for things that are the size of the cursor or smaller). However I'm occasionally working and the scene will suddenly flash and adjust, I THINK to where it's supposed to be if memory serves.


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited December 1969

    I'm only guessing here Sean, but it sounds as though your video card is having difficulties with your monitor settings. Is the monitor set to its default resolution or a custom one?

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    The monitor is set to it's default resolution of 1920x1200. Other applications and the top and side controls in Bryce are unaffected (although I have had issues where Bryce sometimes the display draws over the controls on the bottom of the screen, but that always redraws and corrects itself eventually.) It isn't that my entire monitor display is shifting up or down, it's just the Bryce viewport. Although something that occurs to me to check whenever my current render finishes, I wonder what would happen if I set the viewport size to be larger than will actually fit. I did have to try to do some math to keep the aspect ratio I wanted while trying to use as much screen space as was available, so I didn't select the max available option, maybe I calculated that wrong.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    OS? Video card?

    Bryce really isn't a single 'window', but rather a collection of them put together to 'look' like it's all in

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    OS? Video card?
    Windows 7.
    nvidia EVGA GeForce GTX550Ti 2GB graphics card. Graphics card drivers haven't been updated for a while since it is (as far as I know) working fine and in the past some of those updates have given me trouble, but they have been updated a few times since I first got the card (Updated drivers in use were obtained directly from nvidia's website, I'm not using the "latest" bad drivers from Microsoft.)

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    OS? Video card?
    Windows 7.
    nvidia EVGA GeForce GTX550Ti 2GB graphics card. Graphics card drivers haven't been updated for a while since it is (as far as I know) working fine and in the past some of those updates have given me trouble, but they have been updated a few times since I first got the card (Updated drivers in use were obtained directly from nvidia's website, I'm not using the "latest" bad drivers from Microsoft.)

    Hmmm...what version of the drivers?

    Between WINE updates and Nvidia driver updates, almost all my display problems in Bryce have disappeared, I'm not sure when, though...but the recent series drivers work very well.

    I'd say give the recent 'certified' version a shot...the 550 shouldn't have any problems with displaying Bryce.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited April 2014

    Ok, the render completed and I played around with it a bit, and it does appear that my problems are due to the document size, which was incorrectly calculated and extended off the bottom of the window and into the air below my monitor. I recalculated it to (hopefully) the correct dimensions this time, and the problem seems to have gone away, at least so far.

    EDITED TO ADD: Although it no longer matters, it appears the driver in use was the nvidia GeForce graphics card driver v314.07.

    Post edited by sriesch on
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