Help for a medical project

Hello everyone

i need some advice, I recently graduated from med school and I'm in a proyect to create illustrations for patient education and as teaching tools and need a bit of help to find the proper products and add ons 

first do you know any add on or software that acts like "face transfer" but for the body? I need to create diferent sorts of wounds, skin marks and details and scars, specially those of burn patients and can't seem to find a product that has the textures I need and creating a whole bunch of material from scratch with the proper textures will take several years :S.... with a program that copy the mat of the skin or body in general, even if the texture isn't completely 3D I can use other programs to simulate the effect.

also by any chance does anyone know where I can get a set of medical clothing? I found a sexy female lab coat or nurse clothes (which would be quite improper for this project) but I can't find a proper lab coat for G8 or scrubs 

and finally and this is more of a personal proyect, is there a way to create a render of a pet as in face transfer???? 


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