Is there any kind of Fantom feature in Bryce 7.1?

eponicaeponica Posts: 197
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Hi there ^_^

So today I would like to save a Bryce image for use as a backdrop in DAZ Studio. There is a bridge in my Bryce scene which I need to render the shadow of, but not the object itself. I will use the actual object in DAZ, along with several high res characters that Bryce cannot handle. DAZ has a Fantom feature which renders shadows only. Is there anything similar in Bryce? Thanks in advance for your reply ^^


  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @eponica: I'd like you help you with this, but I've never had an occasion to do this type of thing. So I wouldn't know how it's done. One of the gurus might know.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    eponica said:
    Hi there ^_^

    So today I would like to save a Bryce image for use as a backdrop in DAZ Studio. There is a bridge in my Bryce scene which I need to render the shadow of, but not the object itself. I will use the actual object in DAZ, along with several high res characters that Bryce cannot handle. DAZ has a Fantom feature which renders shadows only. Is there anything similar in Bryce? Thanks in advance for your reply ^^

    It's not a feature, but I am pretty sure there is a way of doing this, I think I was looking at this a few weeks ago now and I can't remember the steps off the top of my head. I will look into this when I get back from work.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969
    600 x 600 - 48K
    600 x 600 - 87K
  • eponicaeponica Posts: 197
    edited December 1969

    Yes, that is Exactly what I am looking for ^_^ Thank you Very Much! ^_^

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    eponica said:
    Yes, that is Exactly what I am looking for ^_^ Thank you Very Much! ^_^

    You are welcome. I'm glad this obscure bit of knowledge has come in useful.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I thank you for this as well. I have faked something like this before, this wiil be much easier.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    That video was interesting. Something to put into the ol' noggin. Thanks David.

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