Bamboozle for Matt , morph + compatibility
Posts: 1,817
I just discovered this:
and I love it! But... does anyone have it and does it fit on G8? I have mesh grabber and can fix poke throughs a bit, but if the complete pose is broken, then its too much.
And... because I love moprhs: Have the jacket a openable morph? :D
No, it doesn't fit G8, it's for the Preschoolers which were generation 3 figures (they don't seem to be available anymore). AFAIK there's no clone to fit their clothes to any of the Genesis figures.
but you can not proof that by testing or? :/
because I have some genesis 1 items, which works on my Gen8 figures.
Also I have (I dont know why, I think I got it from start) the K4 Basic wear and they fit to my G8.
This is Gen 3 not Gen 4 so there is no autofitting since no clones.
that means, if I doubleclick that product it would just load without autofit, and if I rightclick "fit to..." it would not work?
(someone should rework all the old child clothes from the store...)
It won't fit as you don't have a clone for the original figure so DS can't adjust it to G8.
thats sad... so its something that kinda no one can use :(
Thanks for the info.
I just love winter clothes.
There are clones to fit clothes for some of the generation 3 figures to genesis or genesis 3. Just not for the Preschoolers.
People who have the figure it was made for can use it.
For the record, Evilinnocence's "crossdresser" clothes conversion program does support Matt and Maddie clothes. So if you really want to use Matt's clothes on G8M it would be possible to use Xdresser to convert them to M4, and then use autofit or RSSY converter to convert the M4 version to G8M.
but its still unclear if the jacket is openable, I assume not, old clothes have very less morphs :/
There is another path you can follow. Clothes Converter 4.0 can take Millennium Generation 3 clothes and "convert" them to other Generation 3 and Generation 4 figures (yes, it's old, but so are Millennium Generation 3 products, and this is the sort of product it was made for). You will have to shape things a bit, like with Mesh Grabber, but this has symmetry, rotations and scaling and will export a new .obj file, fully rigged as a Poser .cr2 figure for the new actor, and can use the existing material presets.
In this case, you can basically fit it for Kids 4 and then from Kids 4 to Genesis and higher with autofit or other products.
And, no, there is no open jacket morph...
I grabbed now a other rain jacket set from Gen2, found it random in the store :)
Which is openable and even if it was made for G2M, it fitted on my G8F.
With all wanted morphs.