Help with Daz to Maya please

I just purchased Daz to Maya yesterday.
From Daz 4.12 to Maya 2020 (on Mac Os High Sierra if that matters) and it's been almost 24h that i have tried and there is no way i can make it work.
1st, when i put a G8 character in the scene and asked for the script, it takes from 1 to 2 hours for the script to export whatever it tries to export (all the morphs i believe).
Then, in maya, when i run the import script, i get a red message in the bottom about a runtime error in C:/Userss/marce/plug-ins/DazToMaya_files\ line 484 and then i wait and wait and nothing seems to happen.
I read here and there before posting and saw the PA had made an update for its script to work with version 2019 and 2020 of maya, downloadable from his website.
I downloaded it.
i tried with the original file and with the updated one and so far, no good.
Has anyone been able to work this thing?
is 1 or even 2 hours the normal amount of time to export a single character with no hair or no cloth?
This is getting SO frustrating.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Full week and no progress.
I think I'll just ask for a refund...
You might try moving this thread to the Commons, more people participate there (you have the ability to change forums when you edit your first post).
I tried it as well a few days ago. Can't get it to work either. Did you ever find a way to make it work? I asked the question to this forum as well, no reply from others. I'm guessing no one knows.
I'm a trained Maya user. Daz Studio does some things really well, but other simple things like faithful FBX imports, odd pivot point realignments are really wonky. It sucks, it's really impeding my workflow between the apps.
Probably because none of this was meant to work between apps, only to work as advertsied in Daz Studio. Since the bridges are a new thing, it might be awhile till they get them working correctly.
There's a Maya forum. You may get more help there.
I have tried both the bridge, and the paid plug-in. Neither work. I have asked support about both problems, I have recieved no help or advice about getting either of them to work.
I got a refund for the paid script. I would advise the same if you have that one.
its sux dosnt work at all ,that's why most program are abandoned because of that