Terra Luna 3 would require some read me

After trying to use it several times over the course of some months and failing, I just finally understood how the product "terra luna 3" is supposed to work https://www.daz3d.com/terraluna-3

My problem was that I was unable to place in my scene the moon or the moonlight emissive. It was pretty simple, really : use the TL3C sphere at the centre of the scene by *rotating* it to control the position of the rest. 

But it's explained nowhere. Presumably the creator(s) thought that it was obvious. But it wasn't for me. I had tried to use the sphere, but by translating it, as I do with any other prop that I want to place somewhere and it didn't work properly. But even before trying to use this sphere, I spent repeatedly a considerable amount of time trying to move around the moon itelf, and the moonlight disk to place them in the scene, imputing absurdly high translation values (say 2 millions) to move them a bit, and still failing to place them where I wanted. I also kept having problems with the moonlight disk that was typically hiding part or most of the moon (and didn't follow it when I moved it). I spent many hours, several times, trying vainly to make it work. So, eventually, I left this product gather dust in my library even though I would have happily used it otherwise. 

Maybe I was the only idiot who didn't get it immediately, but then again maybe not. A quick explanation in the product read me or half a page in the product file would have been pretty helpful. 


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