Smart Content vanishes when I choose workspace City Limits

jdavison67jdavison67 Posts: 639
edited December 1969 in The Commons

My Content has become so unstable, I have to restart my Daz Studio 4.6 Pro over and over, and pray my content shows up.

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

Product tab sometimes shows other times it is all blank.

Smart Content constantly disappears.

What is up with this program???



  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    My Content has become so unstable, I have to restart my Daz Studio 4.6 Pro over and over, and pray my content shows up.

    Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

    Product tab sometimes shows other times it is all blank.

    Smart Content constantly disappears.

    What is up with this program???


    Sounds like the CMS (Content Management Service) is being affected. It must be running in order for anything to show up on certain tabs like Smart Content. Check that the AV isn't turning it off.

    Whether CMS is running or not, all content should be findable in the normal Content Library which is something more and more of us are using.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It does sound like you have a OS issue, as in something is turning the Service off. Check as noted your AV and see if the Content Management Service is flagged as a not allowed service by your AV the next time this happens. If that is the cause tell your AV to ignore it or allow it, which ever the AV needs.

  • jdavison67jdavison67 Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    How do I restart CMS on a MAC?

    I was looking in AV and I don't see any indication that it is stopping CMS, yet I see it stop when watching the Activity Monitor.

    It doesn't always stop...

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