Issue with DLD Latex Shaders [SOLVED]

Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,015
edited April 2014 in The Commons

I am having a rather odd and annoying problem with the DLD Latex Shaders in that when I apply a shader to a piece of clothing and render I get poke through in various areas, which do not show in the preview window. I thought it might have been due to using Subsurface Scattering on Genesis 2 texture but made no difference..

But when I try any other shader including DLD's Leather Shaders I do not have the problem it is just the Latex Shaders that are causing poke through for whatever strange reason..

The first two pics are using a SSS shader and the second two are using a Non SSS shader on the same Genesis 2 Female character and well as you can see no difference tried smoothing and upping the collision iterations but no good..

The fifth pic is using one of DLD's Leather Shaders on the pants as can be seen no problem so not sure why some have no problems while some do..

1150 x 1450 - 243K
1150 x 1450 - 288K
728 x 1050 - 142K
1150 x 1450 - 278K
709 x 1050 - 147K
Post edited by Ghosty12 on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,924
    edited December 1969

    There was a displacement bug in this product that caused poke through like you demonstrated. It has been updated. Do you have the latest version? The DIM package date is 3/20/2014.

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited April 2014

    Could be that it is just an update to the shaders that is needed, like barbult wrote

    barbult said:
    There was a displacement bug in this product that caused poke through like you demonstrated. It has been updated. Do you have the latest version? The DIM package date is 3/20/2014.

    In case it is not, it is nevertheless likely "Displacement" that is causing the problems, since displacement does not show in the preview window and it dos not get taken into account with regards to smoothing modifier collision detection. At times clothing gets modeled very close to the body, so that even tiny displacement changes may cause this or that a clothing items is even modeled to require a certain displacement amount.

    You can probably just add a bit more to the "Displacement Min" and "Displacement Max" on the pants to counter this. If the Latex shader doesn't have displacement enabled (0% strength), then you need to enable it. Another option is to add a "Push Modifier" to the pants to push them out a bit, though displacement is likely the easiest change here.

    Post edited by Renpatsu on
  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,015
    edited December 1969

    Cool thank you for the info, got the updated product and the issue is gone thank you again. ;)

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