Studio Hexagon bridge. My last problems remaining in my list.
When you create a model in Hexagon and later you pass it to Studio, or later you want to return it from Studio to Hexagon using the bridge in both ways:
I believe all of we save our bitmaps/skins in different directories for each model or scene, so we can't define an only one folder as temporary space for the bridge.
In any case to use the TEMP folder INTO the USER tree of directories has a not expected result. If you are a "good user" you must clean the USER/TEMP folder to mantain your system clean. And will be the objetive of cleanner programs. Then, the COPY of your skins made it when you use the bridge can be erased blowing up your scene the next time you will charge it in Studio.
In paralel, it is normal that you re-touch your bitmaps to adjust them as the scene is rendered, and then you have a problem. You have your original bitmaps, and the copies made it for the bridge that are the default images used by DAZ. Then you will have 2 versions. Your original files used in Hexagon, and the copied versions in temp folder for Studio.
You can replace one by one in Studio AGAIN by your originals changing one by one to your files. But again if you need to send your object to Hexagon accross the bridge to re-touch something and later you recover the image, your bitmap will be replaced again by the TEMP copy and you will have to re-locate ALL the bitmaps one by one again, and again, and again...
Added to this, from time to time the bridge makes an inversion of the bitmap adjustment applied to the object. And you have to re-adjust it in Studio using the TILE, or re-adjust if you pass it to Hexagon with the projection editor what is a large work if you have various faces.
Anyone knows a good sollution for this ? For example, an option to FORCE the bridge to use your ORIGINAL bitmap files in your own LOCATIONS ( as you define them Hexagon ) and DON'T MAKE A COPY of them for the jump ?