How do I turn a G2F figure into a low-resource figurine?

Testing6790Testing6790 Posts: 1,091
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I can't express how excited I am to get some quality RPG renders going with the GM tools that I purchased last week. I've never posted any of my work, but I do a ton of medieval rendering and I'm a huge D&D nerd. As you might expect, this extremely inexpensive kit has me vey happy.

I created a (in my opinion) very nicely posed Gia wearing the old V4 historical armor that I was excited to make into a figurine. I have my parented base and everything. I'm very new to exporting objects for any other usage aside from creating morphs, so I was very surprised to find that after exported it as an OBJ with material zones mapped, when I reimported it she still had all her joints and morphs worked!

I have a fairly strong computer (Haswell i7 4770K @ 4.2 GHz and 16 GB of RAM), but I have 3 "players" in a scene with just this one figurine and my navigation around the scene strarts chugging. Is there a way I can export my posed figure with material zones in a way where I can reimport it all colored correctly without it having all the un-needed pose controls and stuff.

The idea is to be able to have my textured, posed, figure that doesn't need to be reposed and take up as little resources as possible so I can have a bunch without wrecking my scene.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,449
    edited December 1969

    OBJ should not come in rigged. Exactly what did you do?

  • Testing6790Testing6790 Posts: 1,091
    edited December 1969

    File > Export Obj > Saved as Wavefront Object (.OBJ). In the Object Exporter wizard I left everything default except that I selected "write surfaces."

    If I do manage to reimport it as an un-rigged obj will it be a lot more efficient on my scene? I'd really like to be able to move around a dozen or so easily. The detail does not need to be super high, so I can lower the base resolution before exporting.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,449
    edited December 1969

    Yes, it should be somewhat more efficient - though make sure you export at base resolution, then apply SubD to the OBJ, otherwise you will have more polygons than the base figure. Your export route looks OK, but how did you then import it when you ended up with it still rigged?

  • Testing6790Testing6790 Posts: 1,091
    edited December 1969

    I didn't do anything abnormal, I just did File > Import and selected my Female_Warrior.obj. Came in as Gia(2), Historial Armor(2), Sabatons(2), etc.

    Wouldn't applying sub-D increase the figure resolution? That seems like the opposite of what I'd want to do. Ideally I'd do something like Decimate without the pricetag. Is there a way to lower poly counts on objs?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,449
    edited December 1969

    The items imported should have been unboned. Try it again, and make sure you have the correct thing selected - if it is still rigged something odd is happening.

    Converting to SubD is optional, but it's better than exporting the mesh with SubD and getting real instead of render-time polygons if you do want the smoothing.

  • Testing6790Testing6790 Posts: 1,091
    edited December 1969

    I tried it again last night and the obj is definitely, 100% rigged and completely functional. The individual clothing pieces and the sword/shield are all independant still as well. Very odd. I can try making a video of me doing it.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    How low poly and do you want the clothing to be part of the figure?

    If you want to create a very low poly avatar with clothing then take a look at Decimator.

  • thd777thd777 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    I tried it again last night and the obj is definitely, 100% rigged and completely functional. The individual clothing pieces and the sword/shield are all independant still as well. Very odd. I can try making a video of me doing it.

    The OBJ format does not carry any rigging info. It is not possible to export or import a pure obj format with rigging. You are getting confused somewhere along the process. Try the following steps:

    1. Load up the figure you want to export
    2. Go to File -> export -> Choose file name and a location/folder OUTSIDE of your DAZ folders (Desktop for example) -> choose whatever export settings you want. let it save.
    3. Quit DS
    4. Start DS again
    5. Go to File -> import and navigate to the .obj file you saved.
    6. Select it and load
    7. You should now have a plain geometry file (with textures if you selected the correct settings in the export dialog.

    Let us know how this goes.

  • Testing6790Testing6790 Posts: 1,091
    edited December 1969

    thd777 said:
    I tried it again last night and the obj is definitely, 100% rigged and completely functional. The individual clothing pieces and the sword/shield are all independant still as well. Very odd. I can try making a video of me doing it.

    The OBJ format does not carry any rigging info. It is not possible to export or import a pure obj format with rigging. You are getting confused somewhere along the process. Try the following steps:

    1. Load up the figure you want to export
    2. Go to File -> export -> Choose file name and a location/folder OUTSIDE of your DAZ folders (Desktop for example) -> choose whatever export settings you want. let it save.
    3. Quit DS
    4. Start DS again
    5. Go to File -> import and navigate to the .obj file you saved.
    6. Select it and load
    7. You should now have a plain geometry file (with textures if you selected the correct settings in the export dialog.

    Let us know how this goes.

    I exported it to DazStudio/MyLibrary/People/My_Figurines/Female_Warrior.obj.

    Does exporting it into your DAZ folder really matter? That seems bug-worthy.

  • thd777thd777 Posts: 933
    edited April 2014

    thd777 said:
    I tried it again last night and the obj is definitely, 100% rigged and completely functional. The individual clothing pieces and the sword/shield are all independant still as well. Very odd. I can try making a video of me doing it.

    The OBJ format does not carry any rigging info. It is not possible to export or import a pure obj format with rigging. You are getting confused somewhere along the process. Try the following steps:

    1. Load up the figure you want to export
    2. Go to File -> export -> Choose file name and a location/folder OUTSIDE of your DAZ folders (Desktop for example) -> choose whatever export settings you want. let it save.
    3. Quit DS
    4. Start DS again
    5. Go to File -> import and navigate to the .obj file you saved.
    6. Select it and load
    7. You should now have a plain geometry file (with textures if you selected the correct settings in the export dialog.

    Let us know how this goes.

    I exported it to DazStudio/MyLibrary/People/My_Figurines/Female_Warrior.obj.

    Does exporting it into your DAZ folder really matter? That seems bug-worthy.

    No, it does not matter normally. I just want to avoid any possibility that you are loading a wrong file. I use obj export all the time for use in Vue and Poser. I have also re-imported into DS and I have never seen anything like what you are describing.
    Edit to add: The obj comes in as a single prop like item with no adjustable parts. You will also loose all shader info. It will just retain textures and bump.

    Post edited by thd777 on
  • thd777thd777 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    Oh, and yes. If this is still not working the way it should, then posting a set of screen shots or a video would be helpful for trouble shooting.

  • thd777thd777 Posts: 933
    edited April 2014

    I was reading your original post again. For the navigation issues you mention, I would not recommend to convert to OBJ, I would suggest to set items that you are not working with at the moment to invisible (the eye symbol in the scene tab). That should make things faster to navigate. Just switch them back before rendering. With your system you should have no issues. What type is your graphics card? That would be the bottleneck for viewport navigation.

    Post edited by thd777 on
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