Thank you very, very much indeed!

andreretogasserandreretogasser Posts: 256
edited May 2020 in Product Suggestions

We live in times when criticism is more common than gratitude ... At the end of last year I announced in this forum that I would start a historical project (setting 1780) in early 2020, with the request for certain updates to G8. I do not think that my influence goes so far that I could claim that new releases are made for me ....

BUT: It is important to me to tell the participating 3D artists that it was like Christmas and Easter the same day when I saw today's new releases!

dForce Naval Uniform, dForce Deck Hand Outfit, Ye Ole Pirate Weapons, dForce Southern Seas Outfit, dForce Scallywag Outfit.......  You can’t imagine how welcome and useful these products are for me! They also came in the middle of a motivation crisis in which I wondered if there was any demand for naval settings of this kind. I hope to be able to do my part: if my project is successful, the demand for these products in p&p role players' circles should increase or at least remain stable in the medium term. We should be certain by the end of the year if I create a "winner". Thank you for this unexpected help!

Post edited by Chohole on


  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Yeah I was a bit sad too, that mainly the pirate outfits was just for Ladys :( Like there would be no male pirates <_<

    I enjoy the new release too! :D

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