Rendering problems...?

dan-2183767dan-2183767 Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

I have installed Bryce on my new computer but when I render a scene all I get is a grey scale dark image. I have attached what I get. Can anyone help me here? I have tried default settings too...

1926 x 1037 - 379K


  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    dan said:
    I have installed Bryce on my new computer but when I render a scene all I get is a grey scale dark image. I have attached what I get. Can anyone help me here? I have tried default settings too...

    Could be caused by any number of things, but first thing to check is that you don't have any of the masking options checked. Distance masking in particular could result in this effect.

    240 x 665 - 54K
  • dan-2183767dan-2183767 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Wow thank you for your help! I can not believe that after going though all menus I missed that one! I had the alititude mask on... All good now. Thank you once again.


  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    dan said:
    Wow thank you for your help! I can not believe that after going though all menus I missed that one! I had the alititude mask on... All good now. Thank you once again.


    You are welcome. I've been caught out before, even though I've used Bryce for years. If you've not seen, there's plenty of tutorials to go at if you are looking for help on specific topics or inspiration.

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