Interactive licenses for plug-ins

Can anyone explain to me why you would need to purchase an interactive license to use a plug-in; even one that exports files from DAZ in new formats. It seems that the plug-in cannot be sold on in other models or used in games or even imported into other packages to manipulate. It can solely be used in DAZ. I am thinkng in particular about the Alembic exporter. But other plug-ins seem to have an interactive license option as well.
Anyone got any ideas?
Might be one of those "click one check box to turn on interactive license for every product a vendor has" deal. I agree, however, doesn't make a lot of sense...
Considering the interactive license is an optional purchase, I am not seeing the issue. I do agree that it is odd that it would even have that option though.
Well some plugins include content files, or can be used to create content files. For those it can make sense.
Thanks for your interest folks. Leana may have a point if there is content included with the plug-in. I must check this for Alembic exporter? As rames44 says it could also be a coverall thing where every item a seller produces is given an automatic check box for interactive license?
If I get anymore information I will post to this forum.
Hi folks, just an update. I actually bought the product including an interactive license. There is no separate readme file in manual download installation package apart from DAZ help. The license agreement of which I printed a copy from the text box during installaiton of the plug-in does not mention any included content such as 3D models or images other than that which is used as application data by the plug-in interface. Having used the plug-in there is no indication that any 3D content is included in the package.
The licence agreement covers usage and copying of the program. It includes the usual blurb about only one copy on one computer except perhaps for an extra copy on a laptop or home computer which cannnot be used at the same time.It also excepts reverse engineering. All that is standard. The license states that there is a thirty day warranty during which time you can get a second copy of the program or return the program. There is also a clause which typically with software products excludes provisions the Consumer Law [or indeed common law] which any business Law 101 course will tell you is bunkem because Consumer Law always has a clause which says that contracts can not write out access to Consumer Law protections.
In any case the product works okay. The alembic file basically can produce an animated mesh which is unrigged. It also only collects the associated images files into a folder and doesn't create material files. You have to do that manually.I also had difficulty getting it to export more than two figures. Perhaps that is only when the figures are both of the same type. You can hide one of the same figures and export separately using the option export only visible objects. Then copy and paste the objects in your new applcation [if that option is available in the software you are using or perhaps a merge import function]. It seems to do strange things to geomorph add-ons such as separate gens from other manufacturers. But this is to be expected because DAZ's fbx export also has similar problems [without a lot of detail].
So in short I wouldn't ask for my money back but I'm not sure I would recommend the product. The product was on half price sale so by buying the interactive license I paid full price. There appears to be no legal requirement to buy the interactive licence because there is no additional 3d content with the plug-in and you would still need an interactive license for the content you wanted to export. The user license for the plug-in does not say that you must get an interactive licence to use it to export files. So go figure?
As the program installation also gives DAZ as the contact for all queries I was correct to submit a ticket to DAZ. Still have not heard anything back. Of course if any of the moderators have any inside knowledge to impart they are welcome to do so. I am all ears.
Regards to All.