White skin problem doesn't go away

So, I have a white skin problem with a 3dlight render. Not the first time, but usually emptying the brickyard folder, closing DAZ and restarting it fixes the problem. Except not this time. I tried half a dozen times, shut down completely the computer between two tries even, and the skins are still white. What can I do? In case it would help, here part of the log (there are more "used only 0% of its displacemnt" lines than that) :
2020-05-29 14:42:06.392 WARNING: QColor::setHsv: HSV parameters out of range
2020-05-29 14:43:16.874 3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2069: the interface of shader 'C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/shaders/brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface.sdl' is invalid
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2051: cannot load shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface', will use 'defaultsurface'
2020-05-29 14:46:51.790 Created RenderCacheBlock
2020-05-29 14:50:14.167 3Delight message #43 (Severity 0): R2093: object 'shapematerial_Feet_19477_1e3c' (displacement 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement', surface 'defaultsurface') used only 0% of its displacement bound
3Delight message #43 (Severity 0): R2093: object 'shapematerial_Hands_18833_1e3c' (displacement 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement', surface 'defaultsurface') used only 0% of its displacement bound
3Delight message #43 (Severity 0): R2093: object 'shapematerial_Hoodie_19571_1e73' (displacement 'DAZ/Uber/displacement/omDispStandard', surface 'DAZ/Uber/surface/omUberSurface') used only 0% of its displacement bound
3Delight message #43 (Severity 0): R2093: object 'shapematerial_Torso_19201_1e3c' (displacement 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Displacement', surface 'defaultsurface') used only 0% of its displacement bound
Have you tried reapplying the skin textures for said characters?
2020-05-29 14:43:16.874 3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2069: the interface of shader 'C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/shaders/brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface.sdl' is invalid
^^^^ This is where your problem lies, either AOA's Subsurface Shader is missing or corrupt, and I'm talking about the DSF file in your data folder rather than the presets in the content library.
Yes, I did.
Sorry, I didn't render for a while, and had forgotten about this post. What is "AOA" ? And how do I fix this problem?
It's this shader. It's included with DS, so you have it in your runtime. Try re installing it?
If you are using DIM then what you are looking for is the "Default Resources for DAZ Studio 4.9+" package, as the shader is included in that along with a whole bunch of other shaders.
If DIM shows it's installed then you have ran into the standard issue between 3Delight and the ShaderMixer, 3DL needs .SDL files for shaders to work, and the ShaderMixer doesn't create any. So at render time something in DS takes all the ShaderMixer data and compiles it into a temporary .SDL file for 3DL, and that is where the problem lies as sometimes it makes an ass of the compiling, which leaves you with an invalid .SDL file that 3DL can't use, and a blindingly white surface in your render.