Need Help Import Pose Files into Daz 4.6

UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I just download Daz 4.6, and I've been trying to import pose files (.pz2 files).

I've been trying to import some .pz2 files into Daz 4.6. I know those are pose files, and I got them to work in Daz 4.5. I import these file into Daz, but they never show up in any of the GUIs or windows with Daz.

These files were listed as morphs from the website I downloaded them from ( They're morphs for Victoria 4, and I have them under Users/Public/My Daz 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/Pose/Daz's Victoria 4 on my main drive. I left them in the Mostdigitalcreations/V4Breasts folder within the Daz's Victoria 4 folder.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could resolve this issue? Is it possible these files are corrupted, and no longer able to be used by Daz?


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited May 2014

    I import these file into Daz, but they never show up in any of the GUIs or windows with Daz.

    Do you mean that you cannot see these files in the Content Library, importing is something else (File > Import).

    If you are looking in the Smart Content pane, you will not find them there as they are in Poser format. Go to the Content Library pane, Poser Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Pose, and you should find them there. (Assuming that you have that folder listed under Poser Formats in Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager)
    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    They broke by not being installed to the main content folder or the runtime folder in the very same folder structure the Zip file had them in. Content must be installed properly to work. Third party content, that means any site not DAZ 3D, must be put into the DAZ Studio content folder exactly as it was built for that content to function. That means the Folder Structure in the Zip content file must be matched 100% in your content folder. Things can not just be put where a user wants them, that will not work.

    EDIT: If installed properly the Above post is correct. They will only show in content as described.

    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It definitely was the Content Library I needed to look in Jimmy. On top of that, I just needed to know which directory path the 3rd party add-on needed to be a part of. Considering I've just restarted on Daz again recently, there is much I have forgotten. I've got these morphs/poses listed in the Content Library now.

    All I need to do now is how to reapply these morphs/poses to my character - it's been at least a year since I used this 'morph.' But I do thank you for the help. I wrote down what you told me in a notebook, therefore I'll always be able to look up the information without coming back to this thread. I've been taking notes this way for some time with the computer graphics work I've been doing for about three years now. It really pays off to keep meticulous notes. ;)

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Yes, it can be confusing, and notes definitely help.

    I use Evernote to keep track of some things myself. Generation 4 figures (and earlier) are all in Poser Format (CR2 for figures, PZ2 for Poses and PP2 for Props). You should find almost all of these in Smart Content nowadays, (at least the items bought in the DAZ 3D Store)

    Genesis and later, are all in DAZ Studio Format (DUF) and they should appear in Smart Content. The Content Library shows everything that has been installed, regardless if it has Metdata or not, so it is the one I use most often.

    Installing content from other sites can sometimes cause problems, but a quick post to the forums here should get you on the right track.

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    It does seem confusing. As for this pose, it's from a third party site - it was a freebie I had gotten a hold of. I does get listed in the Content Library after I had put it into Daz Studio, but it never shows up in the Smart Content. I've used this pose in a previous version of Daz, and I can't seem to remember how I went about getting it to work in the past. I wish I had wrote it down then. But now - considering I work with other computer graphic suites (Blender, 3DS Max, even the Unity game engine) - I've been keeping notes in separate notebooks for each suite. I found it was easier to keep track of what to do when I did it that way.

    As for the new DUF format, I had forgotten about that. I now remember that the .duf file extension now replaces the .daz file extension. The last time I tinkered with it (I'm assuming that it was within the last 2 to 3 years), the .duf extension was new. When I started working in Daz Studio within the last week, it did come back to me that was the new format extension.

    As for the Smart Content for this third-party add-on, I'm not sure what to do right now. Hopefully someone else will read this post and come up with a solution. I'm sure someone else has had this problem in previous Daz Studio versions. I can't see something like this NOT happening to someone else. I probably missed something too - I sometimes miss out even on the littlest details. I just need more practice to get back to the previous level I was at.

    One other thing I've learnt these past few years, one rule is important:

    Always take notes!!!

    Post edited by UPBigBoy4006 on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Smart Content relies on Metadata, which has to be created and installed when you install the item, most outside vendors, especially freebies don't have Metadata, and so will not show up in Smart Content. They will always show in the Content Library though, which displays everything that is installed.

    There are ways of creating your own Metadata for items that don't have any, but it is not for the fainthearted :)

    I don't have a link at the moment, but I'm sure someone else can provide one. It may be a bit easier now than it used to be,

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I did a search on YouTube for any Daz Metadata Tutorials, and I did find one.

    I'll have to try this when I get time (at the time of this reply, it's almost midnight where I live). But I plan to try this tutorial in the next few days - and it does look difficult, but I don't mind tinkering around a little. When I use this morph in a previous version of Daz, I thought these poses did show up in the Smart Content in that version of Daz (not sure what I did to get it to show up in the Smart Content window).

    But I figure it won't hurt to try this video. I'll put up the video in case someone else needs to do the same things with poses in the future.

    Adding MetaData in DAZ Studio 4 6

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited May 2014

    Slosh is a PA here at DAZ, I'm sure it will be very useful.

    I just found this one as well : by Herald of Fire.

    Many thanks to both of these users.

    Post edited by JimmyC_2009 on
  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    Didn't know Slosh was an administrator here on the Daz community forums.

    I haven't got around to getting the poses listed in the Smart Content yet - I want to do the tutorial, but I've gotten distracted by watching some stuff on Netflix the past few days (Star Wars: The Clone Wars to be exact).

    As for the link to the other thread listed in your last reply Jimmy, I'll take a good look at it. Any information I could use to put third party poses or morphs into Daz, - along with the metadata - would be of great help to me.

    Post edited by UPBigBoy4006 on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Slosh creates items for sale in the Store here :

    PA here, means Published Artist I believe. Let us know how you get on.

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'll check that out Jimmy.

    As for me, I've been following along with that tutorial in that thread you sent me the link for. First off, this is a morph for Vernica 4's chest (breast size) - and being modest I didn't want to come out and say it. I got it listed in the Smart Content panel. If I remember right, there were sliders for the 6 breast sizes in the morph. Each file is for a different breast size, from small to extreme. I'm just trying to figure out were exactly these 'morphs' are supposed to be under the smart content, and how to get the sliders to show up for the sizes.

    And of course, I'm refusing to put any pictures I've down with morph in the past. And on top of that, I feel I shouldn't post the file I downloaded to this forum - the guy who made this morph (I don't remember his name) is now got it for sale instead of free like it was within the post two or three years. Don't want to get into trouble for doing those things...

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    I thought I'd put up the link again to the website I got the morph from (this time it can be clicked on, instead of just listed like I had it):

    This is the page which the free breast morphs are on:

    In the attached photo, I have arrows point to the link for the free breasts download - I've put arrows showing where the download is listed (between Free Pose 34 for V4 and Free Pose 35 for V4). I thought I'd show everyone where the download is located at.

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    Post edited by UPBigBoy4006 on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    You simply Merge this Folder into the same Runtime folder that has your V4 figure and all its morphs installed.
    You then load your V4 figure, go to the Content Library and find the poser morphs, once you get to those Morphs you Inject them by double clicking the Icon(s).
    To use the morphs you then open the Parameters Tab find them listed in the V4 figure, I suggest looking under Breast, and then you Dial the morphs. These are standard Poser morphs and that is how I use all Standard Poser morphs that work in DS4.5+.

    585 x 202 - 26K
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sorry I didn't respond the past two or three days. Had a doctor's appointment yesterday, plus I needed to catch up on some sleep.

    And what you showed me makes since Jaderail. I wish I had put up the information on what I was using sooner - but being modest, I feared getting into trouble for posting about the type of morphs or poses I'm using. Just trying to give some variety in the female characters I create. But I do plan to try this tonight, and see how well I'll do. I'm sure I'll figure this out soon. Thank you for the the help - I'm always looking for ways to do things in the 3d graphics programs I use. ;)

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I do go to the Parameters Tab Jaderail. I look under the 'Morphs' section of that tab, but all I get is a dialer for a male model, nothing else. I'm not sure why there's just a dialer for a male model under morphs, considering Veronica is a female figure. I looked elsewhere under the Parameters Tab, but to no available. As far as I can tell, no dialers show up for the breast sizes in the morph I'm using - and I have it under the directory you told me to put it under.

    I'm not sure why these morphs aren't listing under the Parameters Tab, although that does seem where these morphs are supposed to be (if I remember correctly from using these morphs in the past. Where did I go wrong?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    edited December 1969

    These don't add morph dials, they're just pose presets for existing morphs. They should show up in Content Library > Poser Formats > [your content folder name] > Pose > MostDigitalCreations > V4Breasts

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I didn't know for sure whether they were supposed to be presets or not fixmy. I need to tinkering around a little - I'm getting different answers, and I'm not sure which one is the correct answer yet. I wish I could remember how I did this before - I slacked off and quit using Daz for some time. Now I have to go back and relearn this - it looks like it's going to take some time. ;)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I just tested this set fully. They do not appear to be working in the current version of DAZ Studio. So even if you did everything correct they still seem to fail.

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm glad you tried the files out jaderail. Now I know it isn't me making a mistake somewhere. I've been looking for a way to alter the size of Veronica's chest (after all, breast size does vary from woman to woman). Know of any tutorials that would show me how to alter that part of her body?

    And on a side note, maybe I should send an email to whoever runs that website - let the guy know that those 'morphs' don't work in the current version of Daz Studio. It might save someone else a lot of trouble with those files if they download it and try to use them. Would it be a good idea to email the person who runs the website?

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    As noted they are pose files not true morphs. The Older versions of DAZ Studio were more forgiving of some Poser things that worked even when it was not a real feature. Those files are pretty old.
    The Standard morphs++ for V4 should give full control over the V4 Breast size. Mine does.

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I have to check that out Jaderail. I'm a bit rusty, for one thing.

    And you probably can guess that I didn't know much about those 'pseudo-morphs.' It does seem outdated, considering it won't work on V4 now. And I'll try to learn how to change breast size in Daz the 'old-fashioned way' - by dialing it or whatever. I'm not complaining though - I'm sure I'll learn a lot just by tinkering with Daz without the add ons I was using. ;)

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I decided to wait awhile to get the Morphs++ for Victoria 4 right now (my budget being low right now - I get paid only once a month due to disability).

    So I decided to go and try the Genesis 2 model. I put the Genesis 2 female model into the scene. I found out that with Veronica 4, the morphs extra. With Genesis 2, at least there are a few morphs already packaged with the base model, including one for breast size. Luckily, nothing ridiculous about the breast size when increased to 100%.

    Maybe Genesis 2 is a good place for beginners - if you don't want to pay for extras at the beginning. Which might be for the best - if you need to learn how to use the interface (I admit I need a little learning in that the department). Considering I often learn by watching tutorials on YouTube, I may have to look for tuts that use Genesis 2.

    At least I've learnt a little from posting this thread - I'm finding out what comes with Victoria 4 (I keep wanting to call her Veronica tonight - must be my exhaustion creeping in at this hour). I'll go ahead and look on YouTube for the video tutorials on Genesis 2. ;)

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    The latest versions of DAZ Studio have interactive tutorials available. You should see the menu at the bottom of the interface as shown below. If you can't find them there, click on Help > Home, and you will get a pop-up screen of options as well.

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  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    I have noticed the tutorials listed in Daz before Jimmy. I've never got around to watching them yet - I guess I figured I'd jump right in with Daz and be able to remember to do before - but that turned out to be a mistake.

    As a side note, I had forgotten I got Hexagon 2.5 a while back when it was still free. There's a 'bridge' between Daz and Hexagon, and I've found a video for that Daz-Hexagon bridge. I'll list the video below; I may be wrong, but I think I can create my own Daz morphs via the bridge. The guy teaching the tutorial creates a morph using that bridge, although it's one with the nose. But I should be able to adapt the video for other parts of the body on Genesis, Michael and Victoria.

    Daz Studio, Hexagon bridge. Hexagon tutorials (dh)

    Post edited by UPBigBoy4006 on
  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    You can create morphs that way, just bear in mind that you cannot add or remove any vertices, or the morph wont work.

    The vertex count MUST remain the same when sending back over the bridge to DAZ Studio. There are loads of videos on Youtube created by DAZ 3D, and you can view some of them here :

  • UPBigBoy4006UPBigBoy4006 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I didn't give any thought about adding or deleting vertices Jimmy. I'm hoping that I won't need to create any morphs that involve just that - adding or deleting vertices. Tell you the truth, I admit that I don't know what to do in case such a situation does pop up.

    As for the videos in the link, I did see them listed on the YouTube searches I did for Daz Studio and Hexagon, but didn't take a look at those videos from Daz. So, tonight I open the this thread on my iPod Touch and clicked on the link you gave me for the videos. I've already watched a few of those tutorials on my iPod, and I have already learnt a few things. But I do plan to keep watching those videos - there's definitely a lot for me to learn still, and I'm happy to admit that too. But it looks as though I'm going to have a lot of fun learning both Daz and Hexagon - I've already done work in both Blender and 3DS Max Studio, and I've found out I've enjoyed 3D modeling in those programs. I started using Daz because I thought it would be a great and easy way to create my own characters.

    But thank you for the link Jimmy. I'm definitely going to get a lot of use from those videos. ;)

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