Copy settings from 1 prop to another?

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

Hi, I have here an old poser format and I just rework it, the thing is every gallow noose have it own setting loadout (which is good), but is it possible to copy the settings from the first to the others + my used colors?

So I can make sure all have the correct useable values and dont need again finetuning.

Post edited by Chohole on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,936

    Yes, but you need to be carefull which you copy. If you just want to copy the materials then select the noose and the surface(s) of the noose, Edit>Copy>Copy Selected Surface(s), then select the other nooses, apply the base shader if you changed that, Edit>Paste>Paste To Selected Surface(s)

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    No, the surface is not the problem, I wanna copy the sliders, every hanger have all those morphs, I wanna copy it from the first which I still arrange.


  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    I made now this:

    But as you can see, the next one is... all that again:

    Any chance to copy it?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    I was lucky able to just duplicate it, using my "mccasual" "PressToSnapp" script to let the duplicated jump to the same position.

    And now have all the same sliders.

    I am not sure... I think I can delete the old ones?

    @Richard Haseltine

    Btw. I am allowed to somehow share the complete settings somewhere? I also made a animateable mover, that the lever will pull all 4 Trapdoors, from default you had to move all 4 doors+lever 1 by 1. I also changed all to iray.

    I am not sure about licensing stuff.


    Edit: I see now this:

    Is that a problem?


    Edit 2, made a Scene Subset and test loaded it in a second instance:

    it DOES load, but:

    The dorrs dont open with my new made morph :( And yeah... The morphs of the hanging nooses does work.

    I used the ERC Freeze and used from Timeline, Checkbox to create the morph.

    I still have the Original setting open, I hope you can come back and help me out :<

    Post edited by Loony on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,936

    Did you have to change the geoemtry, or did you just use ERC Freeze or the Property Hierarchy to set up new relationships between properties?

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    I did only used the ERC Freeze to make the morph, I also clicked theBake to timeline or something, but I had no idea what that make, and... I had no real result.

    The Morph for the trap doors have no impact to the hanging nooses things (What is the English word? I found "noose", what is also a body part or "Rouge" which leads me to star wars, in german it is clear: Galgenstrick).


    I try to give you more infos:

    Maybe that help you to help me :(

    That was the working version. (in my still open daz Studio).

    And this is the not working version in my second instance:

    I made a clip, i have no idea if it helps you :(

    Maybe I have to redo it, because I made the morph wrong?


    Post edited by Loony on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,936

    Noose is correct.

    If all you have done is create new links then iit should be safe to share.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    I did edit my last post :) take a look ^_^


    From my Log:

    I did now restored a older File version, where I did not copy the one full edited Noose, but it makes still problems:

    2020-06-10 22:38:09.013 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5995): Duplicate formula found linking ZRotate &amp; Open doors + Lever in D:/daz3d content/Studio/My Library/Scenes/Gallow editing.duf.2020-06-10 22:38:09.013 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5996): 	owner: Lever2020-06-10 22:38:09.017 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5997): 	output: Trapdoor_1:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Trapdoor_1?rotation/z2020-06-10 22:38:09.017 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5998): 	input: Lever:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Open%20doors%20%2B%20Lever?value2020-06-10 22:38:09.018 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5995): Duplicate formula found linking ZRotate &amp; Open doors + Lever in D:/daz3d content/Studio/My Library/Scenes/Gallow editing.duf.2020-06-10 22:38:09.021 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5996): 	owner: Lever2020-06-10 22:38:09.021 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5997): 	output: Trapdoor_2:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Trapdoor_2?rotation/z2020-06-10 22:38:09.021 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5998): 	input: Lever:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Open%20doors%20%2B%20Lever?value2020-06-10 22:38:09.021 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5995): Duplicate formula found linking ZRotate &amp; Open doors + Lever in D:/daz3d content/Studio/My Library/Scenes/Gallow editing.duf.2020-06-10 22:38:09.024 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5996): 	owner: Lever2020-06-10 22:38:09.024 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5997): 	output: Trapdoor_3:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Trapdoor_3?rotation/z2020-06-10 22:38:09.024 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5998): 	input: Lever:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Open%20doors%20%2B%20Lever?value2020-06-10 22:38:09.024 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5995): Duplicate formula found linking ZRotate &amp; Open doors + Lever in D:/daz3d content/Studio/My Library/Scenes/Gallow editing.duf.2020-06-10 22:38:09.028 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5996): 	owner: Lever2020-06-10 22:38:09.028 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5997): 	output: Trapdoor_4:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Trapdoor_4?rotation/z2020-06-10 22:38:09.028 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5998): 	input: Lever:/Scenes/Gallow%20editing.duf#Open%20doors%20%2B%20Lever?value2020-06-10 22:38:10.468 File loaded in 0 min 1.6 sec.2020-06-10 22:38:10.469 Loaded file: Gallow editing.duf2020-06-10 22:38:10.702 Loaded image AC_TDGal2BeamPole.jpg2020-06-10 22:38:10.875 Loaded image AC_TDGal1Frame.jpg2020-06-10 22:38:11.008 Loaded image AC_TDGall2Noose.jpg

    I am really awayre to close my dazStudio until I can solve this, please help me Richard :(

    Or is it making problems, because I have 2 instances open? I still have the "old" daz version, because the newest 1.0 is making problems (I have 0.86 something)

    Post edited by Loony on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited June 2020

    I did now clear the scene and... well, my Morph is unuseable now :( I have no idea how to delete the morph and I still get the duplicate error, even if I just use 1 instance.

    Edit: Did in Edit mode found a "delete property" so... now the morph is gone and also the duplicate error.

    So... back to the problem with duplicating the props from the first Noose to the other.

    Edit, loaded an older version, no my first saved version, deleted there the lever morph and the gemoetry duplicaiton is gone:

    That does no longer excist, so it seems like I got a kinda 0.9 Final version, for 1.0 it would need a 1click lever which open all traps :)


    Update: I wanted to use this tutorial:

    But... it doesnt help me, because:

    The lever does show for some reason the "nooses", but not the trapdoors, even if the nooses are seperate props and the trapdoors are part of the rigged figure.

    And when I use the Key frame, then I am afraid it will make again a bug :(


    Post edited by Loony on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,936

    Don't use ERC Freeze twice on the same things - you need to right-click the existing links and select ERC Bake first or it doublles up and you get the duplicate formula error. The Timelione option is probaby not needed here - it's used where you want a sequence of different values, and you have to set the steps up on ther Timeline to use it.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    I didnt used the ERC 2x :/ and the lever had no other control on the traps, maybe... is the ERC working already on the other "Pull lever" which is base created there? hmmm...

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