Help with Genesis 2 genitals!
Alright, here's the deal, I load the Genesis 2 male model and it loads fine. Then I double-click the Genesis 2 Genitalia.DUF and DAZ Studio says that it can not find the Genisis2MaleGenitalia.DSF file. The path given is data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Male Genitalia\Genesis2MaleGenitalia.dsf. When I use Windows Explorer to locate the file, it IS in the directory DAZ Studio is looking in. Why doesn't DAZ Studio recognize it?
Is the Data folder in your actual content directory - My DAZ 3d Library or whatever - and not a sub-folder? If you installed manually you may have ended up with an extra folder called Content holding the Data folder.
No. It is in the My DAZ 3D Library. ...Studio\My DAZ 3D\Library\data\DAZ 3D...
Sorry. No back-slash between DAZ 3D Library. :)
What is the full path, starting at the drive letter or volume name and ending with the Genisis2MaleGenitalia.DSF file? Edit: though without the backslash that looks right if I understand correctly.
That path doesn't look quite right -- normally My DAZ 3D Library is not under Studio
The full path is: c:\Users\Public\Public Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Male Genitalia\Genesis2MaleGenitalia.dsf
In DS, can you go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the "DAZ Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats", and post a screenshot? .
I don't know how to post a screen shot.
Is the listed path
c:\Users\Public\Public Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My DAZ 3D Library
c:\Users\Public\Public Documents\My DAZ 3D Library
It is ...Public Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My DAZ 3D Library...
The Poser directory for DAZ has the same path. But Poser 2014 also has other paths.
The My DAZ 3D Library shouldn't be in the Studio folder. It should be C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library
I posted this question in the New Users Forum, but nobody was able to help me, so I figured I'd give this forum a try.
When I double-click on the Genesis 2 Male Genitalia.duf icon, I get an error message saying that DS can't find the Genesis2MaleGenitalia.dsf file. The message gives the path for the file, and the file IS IN THE LOCATION specified. I verified this using Windows Explorer.
the path is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Male Genitalia\Genesis2MaleGenitalia.dsf
The .duf file is ...My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 2 Male\Anatomy\Genesis 2 Male Genitalia.duf and (.png).
Would somebody please help me figure out why DS 4.6 can not find the .dsf file?
It installed to the location I posted. Should I move everything, or delete and reinstall to the path you suggested?
Thank you for all the help.
If that's the path it was installed to and it matches the path in DS, there shouldn't be a problem. Are there other paths listed?
The only other paths are for Poser Pro 2014.
There is only the one path for DAZ, and the content manager and install manager paths match.
I have noticed that the DUF file and the DSF file are not identical. The DUF file in a sub directory of the People folder is Genesis 2 Male Genitalia, but the DSF file is Genesis2MaleGenitalia (Without Spaces). Does this matter?
In Windows 7 you can use the Snipping tool to take a screen shot - just launch it, then drag out a rectangle around the bit you want to capture and save from the Snipping Tool window. Then to add it to a post use the Post reply button, not Fast reply, and click the Browse button under the text entry field to select and upload the image.
I've merged your new thread - having two threads just means people will be going over the ground we've already covered a second time.
so I'm having this same nonsense..... =(