DS (Not Responding) when Loading Assets

Hey guys, any idea what may be causing DS to go through a period of (Not Responding) while loading Assets?
It's a problem that I used to see every once and a while and now has gotten to the point where absolutely every time I load anything that involves a G8 Figure (Store Bought G8 Figure, Saved Scene Subset G8 Figure or Saved Scene that has a G8 Figure of any kind) into even an empty Viewport having just opened DS after probably also Restarting my Computer, no matter what it starts to load Assets, gets about 1/5 of the way through the progress bar, then freezes and says (Not Responding) for maybe 30 seconds to a Minute.
Not the end of the world, just wondering if there's anything I can look into to possibly remedy the problem. My System is nothing special, but it never did this at all until a handful of months ago.
Windows 10 / DS 4.12.117 Pro Ed (64-bit)
Intel Quad Core i7-6700 / 3.4 GHz
16 GB DDR4 System Ram
Windows and DS on one SSD / All DS Content on separate dedicated internal SATA SSD
Don't think the GPU would come into play, but:
RTX 2060s 8 GB / Studio Driver 442.92
As far as Security Software, I only use Windows Defender and I've tried turning everything under "Virus & Threat Protection" Off, still acts exactly the same way...
Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'd say this is tied in to having alot in your content library, especially regarding the Genesis 8 Female in terms of morphs and so on.
Ah, so Morphs in the Content Library, even if not used by the Figure being loaded, are all accessed when loading said Figure? Yikes. I'll start looking into which sets I can lose to test it out. Thanks!
Huh, another loosely related question... I started to dig into figuring out what the names of Morph Packs I never use are which is going to be a nightmare it seems for some... But one I found is a few different sets of Breast Morphs, maybe 2 differently colored Sets when looking at the Sliders, called "Natural Breast Morphs". So I went into DIM and uninstalled it. Closed DIM, opened DS and the Morphs are still there. Closed and re-opened DS a few times and no change. Confirmed in DIM that it was sitting in "Ready to Download", Restarted the Computer. Tried another called "Body Diversity", same exact thing. Both Packs of Morphs are still there in DS and still work. What am I missing here?
Do the product icons (the icon for the whole product, in the Products tab of Smart Content) have a triangle in a circle icon at top-right? If not they have been installed through Connect (within Daz Studio) and you need to right-click and select Uninstall.
Huh, I never look at the Products Tab so this was a new view to me, but Attached are images of what the 3 Sets I Uninstalled via DIM (which is the only way I've ever Installed/Un-installed Daz Store Products) look like there.
To right click on them, "Uninstall" isn't an option, and in the Info Pane that pops up when I hover the mouse over any of the three, it says "Double Click to Install"...
After having this problem, I went and also Un-installed a few Characters via DIM and they were un-installed succesfully, no problem. Not sure what's up with the Morph Packs.
Also, Mr. Haseltine, would you agree that the most likely cause of the issue from my original post and the (Not Responding) is due to the amount of at least Morphs I have installed? If so is there anything else along those lines that can bog down the loading of Assets, more specifically (seemingly) G8 Figures? BTW, Environments of any size and Pops don't create this problem at all when I load them.
Always very interested in your opinion!
Yes, those are greyed out indicating that they are not instaleld according to the database. However, they are also tagged as user categories so it's quite possible that something odd is going on. Is this the system your content was installed on, or have you transferred from another machine? Have you changed the content directories used? A couple of ways this could happen with DIM - another copy of the files in a different content location, or the location of the files chnaged since DIM installed them - either way it wouldn't know to delete the duplicate/moved files and they would still be there.
Not Responding just means that an application isn't processing the Windows even queue - as long as it does resume responding it's not an issue. Certainly the number of morphs intalled has a major impact on the time it takes, and some of the process will involve DS doinf internal work and not processing the main event loop to deal with the queue.
Thanks for the detailed response! Yes, this is the only machine I've used DS on, and also yes I manually changed the location of My DAZ 3D Library and My Library to a dedicated SSD separate from the SSD where Windows and DS are (and Content had been originally installed to).
I've never needing to look further into Morphs beyond finding their Sliders and using them, so it seems difficult from what I've looked at to grasp the underlying Files, Locations and Organization within the packages...
They all seem to reside physically at:
...\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Shapes
That original physical location on my C: Drive where they would have originally been installed definitely doesn't exist any more. Though for instance the Natural Breast Morph folder only has an "Info.duf" and "Zero.duf", not any of the individual Morphs... Are those somewhere else outside of either My DAZ 3D Library or My Library? Even if so, it's odd that the "Body Diversity" folder there does have all the individual Morph .duf's and it's reacting exactly the same way (meaning if ...\My DAZ 3D Library\...\Shapes was where all of it's files really resided, then that set definitely shouldn't have an original copy of the files sitting somewhere to create the issue like the NBM package...)...
I'm guessing there's more to know about what files are put where for Morphs specifically? Everything else seems to uninstall fine via DIM, even in whatever state I'm in as far as having moved my Content, etc....
Update... Should have done it sooner, but just looked at the Product pages to see the file locations...
I understand a little more now where all of the file locations are, though they do all seem to reside in My Daz 3D Library, so still not sure why these Morph packs would react differently than all other Package types as far as DIM is concerned...
But I'm guessing it's ok to find all of the file locations for each Morph Package and delete them manually in Windows Explorer to see if I can get back to a state where DS and DIM agree with each other about whether they're installed or not?
It may be that somehow they were already there when DIM installed, in which case it would have listed them as to be left alone - to avoid breaking a manually installled product that had placed the same files before it came allong. Yes, you can manually remove the files if necessary.
Thanks, again. I did so... No luck. Physical Files manually deleted, Morphs were still present and working in DS. Crazy.
I ended up looking at the log file after expanding the "History" on the Asset loading window which led to it seeming from what I could see that a lot of Errors were quite possibly causing the hang up when loading assets. All the Errors related to Morphs.
Long story just a bit shorter, I blew the whole thing up and did a clean install of Daz with none of my Content, set the Paths in DIM before Installing anything (even before DS or Essentials), to start over with everything initially installed on a Drive that they'll be able to stay on forever.
I'll test as I selectively re-install the Content I actually use, but for now, DS takes 2 Seconds to load and a G8 Figure takes 0 Seconds. I'll try to note how/if that changes based on installing more Morphs, etc.
Thanks for all the help!!
Sorry I couldn't spare you all of that.
No worries at all, it'll be much better in the long run... I made a lot of bad decisions early on about where to install Rendo and Freebie Products as well as storing PSDs right in the Runtime directories, etc. Live and learn. :)
...\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Shapes
That location is just for the files you can bring into the scene, think of them as triggers.
The actual morph-files are located in ...\My DAZ 3D Library\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morps\... and that is where DS looks to pick them up
Thanks, PerttiA. Slowly learning all the ins and outs and definitely understand a little more about Morphs under the hood as a result of my latest experience. Thankfully I'll know a little more if I ever see similar problems crop up!