Complete uninstall and reinstall required - help please!!

Ok, I apologise if this has been covered in other threads, and I'll try not to make this too long. I have just got a new computer, and am wanting to install DS 4.12 onto it along with my content (and existing characters/scenes if possible). So, I d/l Daz Central and Studio 4.12 yesterday, and begin downloading my content via Daz Central. All seems ok until it becomes clear multiple files are missing for G2 and G3 figures (the "actors"), so something is wrong anyway. I think I should have installed via DIM but I didn't
I guess I should have thought of this before, but the bigger problem is that my new computer has a 128gb SSD and a 1Tb HDD. I have started with d/l DS to the SSD and had planned to put content on the HDD, but its clear that even this way, with my other other programs the SSD will soon fill up. Therefore my new plan is to completely uninstall and reinstall ALL Daz Studio and content on to the HDD - in other words D Drive. But this isn't simple
1) I can't uninstall DAZ Studio as there is no uninstaller - where is it, and if there isn't one how do you uninstall? I don't really want to do a System Restore, even thought with a new computer it won't be the end of the world. So I'm stuck here at the moment with a partially working 4.12 that I can't uninstall
2) Assuming I can clean uninstall, what is the best way to reinstall DS to get best result? Is it via DIM or is it manual? If its via DIM, I see there are other threads showing how to change the paths from the default C: to the new drive, but is there anything else that needs to be done for a new install on a different (in this case :D) drive?
3) Having done all that, and assuming all DAZ content is then d/l and installed via the DIM, what is the best way to move 3rd party and poser content from "My Library" to the new computer - do I simply copy on a storage device and transfer it across - if I do this will DS recognise and find the files ok? I understand that saved scenes and characters may not work, it would be nice if they did but again its not the end of the world
Could really use some help on this so TIA
You need to see if Daz Central can let you uninstall stuff. DIM does.
When/if that gets done, If you want to install everything to D: you have some hoops to jump through.
DL and install DIM. Then, before you DL anything, open up the DIM basic settings and point every path there to your D: drive. Then do the same in the advanced settings. then DL and install everything, be prepared for this to take a while.
Also before you get in too deep, since you just bought the computer, get bigger drives. I didn't think 128Gb boot drives were still a thing. Also 1 Tb is very small for 3D qassets particularly if you'll be installing everything else on that drive as well, and you will 128 is tiny.
Thanks for that. DAZ Central will let me d/l stuff, but I need to uninstall DS from the SSD first, which is the whole point - the SSD isn't big enough and I want to reinstall d/s and all content on the HHD. Daz (system and content) on my current computer only occupies about 300gb, and works fine, so 1Tb will be ok. Plus I have an external HDD if I need it too. Its the processoer, memory and graphics card improvements I want, not arces of memory
I'm not installing Central. I told you that DIM allows you to uninstall Daz Studio so should Central.
Sorry, I misunderstood. I've checked Daz Central and there is no option to uninstall that I can see.
Then put in a support ticket. I'm pretty sure its there.