Any G3 to G8 pose converter for hands?

I tried a commercial converter from daz store but it only deals with legs and arms. There is another converter in deviantart but it doesnt show up in my DAZ pose controls unfortunately. I was wondering if you guys know of other ways to deal with converting G3 to G8 hand poses?
In my experience there isn't much if any difference. I use G3 hand poses on G8 all the time
Im importing a mixamo pose that works just fine in G1 and G3 but unfortunately in G8 is gets pretty bad. I can fix the legs and the arms with the converter but hands remains messed up.
Since it's mixamo pose and not a DAZ pose, a converter might not even work
If it works on G3, try saving it as a G3 pose, then applying to G8?
Thats exactly what Im doing. I have the G3 pose, I save it as a preset, I load the G8 and apply that pose. It guess all warped and wrong, so I use the converter to fix the legs and the arms. Hands remain messy.
The one on daz store works for arms and legs though, so I figure there could be a way for hands too. :(
What you need is something like this
but that would work on later generation hands.
If such a thing exists anywhere
Unless some way to make the mixamo hand pose into a V4 hand pose?.
Yep that would be day perhaps!
There are these products and two of them (the Male & Female individual products) were on PC+ for a day earlier this month for $1.99 each so probably will be on Catchup Sale before this PC+ sale is done.
That's odd.
Maybe one approach would be to narrow down if anything is being changed between the versions. Have a G3F and a G9F side-by-side, and apply the poses to each of them. Then check for differences between them, bone by bone - especially those parts that are distorted in the G8F. I've no idea why any bones would be different, but it's something to check.
One thing that I've seen can really warp a figure is if individual bones have scale parameters (including individual X-, Y- and Z-scales) set to non-100% values, so that might be something to look out for.
Just as a proof of concept, I tried applying the hand poses from to a G8F. All the ones I tried worked fine, with no distortion.
When I run into issues with legs/arms/hands/toes warping, it's usually because the rigging is off. Edit > Figure > Rigging > Transfer Rigging (Figure Space) usually fixes the issue.