Dforce forces reboot

I have a new problem with Dforce - if I have an asset that errors during a simulation I have to quit Daz and restart to be able to try again with but noiw for some reason Daz itself wont even restart without rebooting the machine. Anyone else experience this or have a suggestion?
Running Daz on Windows 10 - latest Nvidia driver 446.14.
Before rebooting the computer, could check for running processes to close down. {of Daz Studio that is}
Yes, I would check Task Manager - assuming Windows here - to see if the process is still running
I've had issues where the mesh crosses into the dforce object and that totally messes with dforce. For example, the characters hand was in the hair when I did the simulate. Instead of moving the hair around the hand it ran for many hours and the hair "exploded". It looked like a tornado funnel. lol
To get around that problem I moved the hands away from the dforce hair / dress until there was no contact, ran the simulation, then place the hands back where I wanted them.