Can you combine products from two different email accounts?

Over time I have used two different email accounts when logging in and ordering things. Sort of lost one and just made a new one. I've since figured out the old one. Poser never seemed to care as long as it was in the right folders.

Within DAZStudio 4.12 I can't see or install content from the other email login. Took a minute to figure out why things I just bought weren't there or "available". When I installed the program it was under one email.

Can I just manually install everything in the runtime folder instead of the way DS likes to stick folders everywhere? 


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885

    I don't know of any way to simultaneously view the available content of two different accounts in the Daz Connect installer (inside Daz Studio). You can only log in with one account at a time. If you log in with one account and install the items available to that account, and then log out and log in with the other account, can you still see the INSTALLED content that you installed with the other account? If so, I guess that is a workaround, but it sounds like a big hassle. You can't just stick stuff in a runtime folder. Content needs to be in the appropriate folder type within a content library. Morphs go in data, textures go in runtime, characters and materials go in People, etc.

    You might consider asking Daz Customer Support to combine your two accounts into one to avoid this problem. I don't know if they are willing/able to do that or not. You can't inherit or buy somebody else's content, though, so combining two accounts might not be permitted. You'll only know if you ask by submitting a help request. Or maybe a forum moderator can comment on whether combining your two accounts is possible.


  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409

    No they cannot merge accounts :-(  {I've tried that route}

  • I have a request in now because when I tried downloading Central and opening it ...I now have nothing at all "installed" under either account. But it doesn't matter....I just dumped the whole shebang and everything related to it. Perhaps sometime when I have hours and hours with nothing to do I'll try reinstalling some stuff. Maybe they'll work some bugs out in version 5.

  • mclaughmclaugh Posts: 221
    barbult said:

    You can't just stick stuff in a runtime folder. Content needs to be in the appropriate folder type within a content library. Morphs go in data, textures go in runtime, characters and materials go in People, etc.

    If you're working offline in Windows, you can dran-and-drop the category folders (data, environments, characters, cameras, lights, props, runtime, scripts, support, etc.) on your /My Library folder and they'll be put in their proper locations. Been doing it since Daz 2.1.something-or-other and have never had a problem.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    Yes, that's called manual installation. You are letting Windows merge each folder into the correct corresponding library folder. You can't just dump all the files in the runtime folder.
  • Yeah, I know files have to be sorted into their places. You don't "let windows merge them" you have to sort them yourself. I wasn't talking about just sticking a bunch of zip files in there and hoping it works. I've been around longer than computers have......

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