Ok... What DOES work?

DIM started failing because it was importing to a cloud folder that I had no clue even existed. Changed that and it worked until I tried to change the locations of stored data. DIM completely shut down again and so I removed all DAZ products to try a clean reinstall. Nothing has worked since. Has anyone gone through this and what did you do? I still have an old product library and am worried that DIM is seeing it and refusing to acknowledge it (only a theory). I saw DazCentral and tried to use it but it won't even acknowledge my password so I never could get into it. Deleted it and am now gonna try DIM again... This all started in FEBRUARY and to say the least I am frustrated.
My questions:
Should I just install DAZ Studio and go without DIM or DazCentral?
Should I keep trying DIM even though it just crashes and if so does anyone know why its crashing? I have reset everything to default so there should be no issues. Firewall is not an issue and neither is the MSCloud that screwed things up in the first place. Should I unplug the backups that have the old downloads so DIM doesnt see them? I am really at my wits end and that wasn't a long walk in the first place. I just want to get back to working.
Thanks for any insights as always!
And now the password... that the website DAZ 3D accepts mind you, is not being accepted by DIM either. So neither DIM or DC are accepting my password and when I try to reset my password it sends me to a screen that says it will reset it and does nothing. WTF DAZ...
DIM seems to install content into C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library on my PC
If I install it the Smart Content tab then it installs into C:\Users\user name\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\Cloud
There was a recent update that you were supposed to update your password to at least 7 characters... did you do this?
I continue to use DIM though I've had a couple of products now that it didn't install properly. In those instances I uninstalled via DIM then installed them via the Smart Content tab in Daz Studio and they worked. Personally I'm waiting until all of the kinks are worked out of Daz Central.
Hi Choronzon,
I have also had troubles with DAZ Central and then DIM as well. I already had a long password but changed it anyway since DIM was not saving my path settings properly? Still the same problems with DIM with gettings things to install where I want them. Perhaps log onto DAZ first with the new password then try opening DIM and see if that helps. Also make sure you can log onto the DAZ website user account with new password. There may be a bit of a time delay but it would certainly want you syncing with all aspects I presume. Hope that is some help.
What seems to have worked for me is to go to Smart Content and select Content DB Maintenance from the drop down list at the upper right corner of the pane. Then I just deleted everything and reimport from the metadata...
@brian71_us_5e91777928 "DIM seems to install content into C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library on my PC"
DIM installs exactly where you told it. In your case that is the default. You change change settings with the gear icon.
/data/cloud/ is used when you install with DS itself (Daz Connect), the folder containg the data folder is the Daz Connect data directory. Neither DIM not Daz Central will place anything there (unless you manually set that as a path).