My right side menu is gone.

ManOfSteelManOfSteel Posts: 14
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

You know that little globe thing in the bottom right corner that changes the menu on the bottom? It's gone. The select menu icons are still there though. And the entire right side menu ( the +, the -, the hand, the paper style, the spray can, etc) is gone.
Now admittedly I have not touched Bryce for almost a year so maybe I've forgotten something but is there a way to get them back? The "Alternate VCR mode" from the dropdown list does nothing.
Setting the preferences back to "Launch to default state" and restarting Bryce does nothing.
Edit ->Reset to defaults does nothing.


  • ManOfSteelManOfSteel Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    I think I figured it out.
    A certain skin in my Windowblinds program is extending the the entire screen to the right making Bryce's right side menu out of sight. It's shifting another program to the right too. Excluding these programs from skinning should do the trick.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    Good to hear you got things solved.

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