Making some old clothings for poser available for Genesis8

I bought these clothing items hoping that they will work for Genesis 8, adapting them like I did with the usual V4 and M4 items... but these doesn't work in any way.
I knew that they might not work, but the lack of realistic uniforms pushed me to try it anyway.
Is there anybody able to make these items work for Genesis8? I'm also willing to pay something to have these items converted to G8, since I'd really need them!
Thank you!
Those were made for the old poser G2 figures, you don't have autofit clones for them hence why autofit doesn't give good results.
Your best option IMO would be to convert them to V4/M4 first with Evilinnocence's Crossdresser program: (You'll need to purchase the Xdresser licences for V4 and M4)
Then you can convert the V4/M4 version to G8 as usual.
To be honest, those uniforms look fairly terrible (by modern standards) on the figures they were designed for, heaven knows what they'll be like after two conversion processes.
How about this one instead (on sale today): (for Genesis 1)
Or this one: with these textures:
Or this one:
Genesis 3 clothing can be converted to Genesis 8 by following this tutorial: . It usually works better than autofit.
Thanks for your answer! I managed to convert the miki2 uniform using the Crossdresser, didn't had any luck with the other two because it seems that G2 isn't available as a source model for that clothing converter...
Thanks for your suggestions! I already own all of those uniforms, sadly those are for male characters and the chest area on female models gets badly distorted if the girl has an average breast dimension. For sure the is great, I was just trying to look for some female uniforms.
If you need a G8F police uniform, how about or, for something completely different, this one:
another possibility is clothes converter which often sells dirt cheap and does some of the early Poser figures
James, Jessi, Sydney G2, TeraYuki2 and Miki2 are listed in it I see opening it
That's weird, there are licenses to convert to G2 males or G2 Jessi, so converting from them should be supported...
Have you run the XD Updater program since installing Crossdresser? That should install support for all the available figures for the application, as Leana suggests. As noted in the instructions, you may want to install only those figures that you require to populate the "From" field, otherwise you will be in for some hefty and unnecessary downloading.