How to check individual memory usage of figures/hair/clothing?

For my renders I sometimes like to use 'generic characters' who aren't really the focus, but still important enough to be posed independently as opposed to using something like a billboard prop.
What I'd like to know is how I can check how much memory things use so I can maximize efficency. For example, I use RawArt3D's Nosuit G8 figure a lot, but I also use regular G8. I don't know which figure uses more memory. Similarly with clothing, I'd like to see what pieces use more memory, which ones less, so I can then decide on designing from there. HOpe that makes sense.
Thank you!
That is a very difficult and complicated question. The shortest answer is you cannot accurately determine such.
Long answer follows:
A figure consists of the geometry, a number of polygons, and a texture which consists of various shader settings and maps. I know of no way to determine the number of polys in a figure without loading it into soem external 3d modeling program.
Maps are images and those take up the majority of VRAM in scenes. However iRay will compress those maps if they exceed sizes set in your render settings. However I do not know what compression algorithm is used so...
So if you could determine how many polys a figure uses, how much VRAM each poly uses, what the non map settings in a shader use in VRAM and find out what compression algorithm is used as well as finding every map used and determining its actualsize you could, with soem degree of certainty find how much VRAM a figure will use. But too much of that is just not available to us.
Bummer. But otherwise, thank you, that's good info!