How create a DSON out of Daz Studio?

Anyone can pass a Bvh file to a duf as an animated pose.
One by one...
But suppose I have 200 bvh to convert to Duf. It will take days ..
In my case, I will have about 20,000 bvh´s ... (That is, a few years to pass all that to Duf ...)
Although I have a bvh to json converter, dson is not the same. It does not even respect EcmaScript in any case. Jslint ( can help you see errors, like using tab vs. spaces, etc ... It is not really a json a dsa file. Is there any way to find a concrete method of making the structure of a dson? From what I see, there is a "peculiar" structure, since it bases the movement of a bone on an array of all keyframes, for example: "" url ":" name: // @ selection / lCarpal1:? Scale / general / value "
"and produced an array subset of each frame in vector form. (Although they are not used ...).
In the Daz documentation, he hardly comments that it is a javascript, ecma, and qtscript subset ... but he never specifies the structure or its structure when making a transcoder / converter.
This is a tremendous mess !! laugh


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    DSON is parsable via the standard JSON.parse( input ) function, so I'm not sure what you mean by not respecting ECMA script. All a J/DSON file is is a data object in text form - turn some data into JSON and that doesn't isntantly make it usable in any application that reads JSON, the application has to know what to do with the resultant data object. The specifics of the data structure in a DSON file are listed here

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