How do I get Victoria 4?

I have have a few items in my library that require Victoria 4 specifically - NOT Victoria 4.2 (which I already have) even though I realise V4.2 is essentially an upgrade for V4 etc. etc. - I want them to *just work* without any of the 'cannot find nnn texture/mesh/UV/whatever' errors I have been getting.
Example: If I try to load the 'Jai' figure, I get:
'The selected files could not be found: data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/uv sets/daz 3d/victoria 4/victoria 4.dsf' - 'May' is another figure that won't load due to missing V4 stuff. Obviously if V4.2 was a direct replacement for V4, I would never see messages like this, SO I look in the store, and I'm just about to bite the bullet and buy what appears to be V4, with this link... until I notice these 2 little lines...
'Compatible Figures: Genesis 2 Female, Victoria 4'
and... 'This product contains only new shapes for Genesis, there are no user-facing files.' it's it's not V4 but only merely compatible with V4, and does not contain V4? If it doesn't contain all her files, I'm still going to get the same errors, yes?
How do I get Victoria 4, the actual thing, with any required associated files and stuff? Is that link the real deal V4 or just a couple of morphs?
Something is very strange here.
What figure are you actually using? Are you using Genesis 2 Female, and you're trying to use Victoria 4 items with her?
Are you trying to use Jai Hair? (Because I honestly can't think of any circumstance in which Jai hair should throw that error message, and I can't find any other "Jai" in this store or at Renderosity. For that matter, I can't figure out how trying to use a V4 asset on V4.2 would throw that error message, either.) And what specific "May" product are you trying to use? There's a raft of them in the store, so figuring out which one you mean is very difficult. Links to the specific Jai and/or May products that you're having issues with will help for troubleshooting.
In any event, you're interpreting the error message and the compatible figures statement too literally. For all practical purposes, for almost anything requiring V4, Victoria 4.2 is what's required. People refer to her as Victoria 4 as a shorthand, because "Victoria 4 point 2" is cumbersome. It's the same for compatible figures and error messages; when they say "Victoria 4" they usually mean Victoria 4.2.
The specific item to which you've linked allows you to use the textures of Victoria 4.2 based characters on Genesis 2 Female. It's not Victoria 4 of any number, and includes no morphs whatsoever. It just remaps the UV so you can use a V4.2 character's textures with G2F.
it is looking for a UV set in your data, possibly the file was saved by someone using that UV
if the skin requires it then you need to buy the product by Mallenlane
the hair doesn't need it
i didn't know Jai had any hair, I've never seen any other reference to her in my library other than as a figure. I was just trying to load Jai.duf into a blank scene as a bald stand-alone. Same again for May, I just double clicked on May.duf in the Figures section.
Anyway, I'll get V4 and see if it fixes anything, but I'll wait until she is on special - $18 is a little steep for just an extra UV map.
Thanks for clarifying everything!
I am trying to find this Jai too
maybe provide a link for us
I don't know where they came from - I thought they were part of the base DS 4.12 install, or maybe actors supplied with some of the free scenes I got from the store?
There's 4 of these V4-dependent figures in my library, plus a couple of later-gen G3 or G8 ones that also appeared without me knowing. (Vianne? I think is another one)
Those are not for V4. Those are for Genesis 2 Female. (I searched for all four names together, since the icons indicated that they were likely all by the same vendor.)
The product is Cute Ladies for Genesis 2 Female:
The product does indeed need Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female, which you'll need to buy to use the textures. It doesn't require Victoria 4 herself (any version) at all.
Vianne ( is another Genesis 2 Female. However, to use her, you will need Victoria 6 ( -- NOT Victoria 4. You need Victoria 6 for Vianne because otherwise her textures will not apply correctly, and you'll see gaps and misaligned textures. She needs Victoria 6 UV for proper alignment.
snap. I just did a hunt on my HD and found them in a folder called Real Ladies, which google then led me onto Cute Ladies.
mystery solved, well done. thanks everybody.