Converting a MMD .vmd file to a format Daz can Import Without breaking the bank.

I have been looking for a way to import a motion file from MMD (Mikumikudance) to use with characters in Daz Studio. Specifically Genesis 8 females.
I found an older post regarding it but the programs it is suggesting to use are insanely expensive.
There has got to be a better way.
The original post I found was:
But the post is several years old and the cheapest of the programs it lists to use is almot $500.
And helpful (read non snarky) suggestions are greatly appreci
your issue is always going to be the limitations of formats DAZ studio can import
namely the FBX importer
that is why Poser is the only real option as it saves in a format DAZ studio understands namely cr2
otherwise import obj and rig in D|S your only free choice.
if someone wants to code a robust FBX importer for DAZ studio that would be the only solution
SO, if I am reading correctly, You are suggesting do the conversion as listed in the article but open the FBX in Poser (which I have) and then save it as a cr2 then pull that into Daz?
yes the latest version of Poser has a very robust FBX importer
you save all the parts as cr2, they are conformers
you can save animation too as pz2
on most FBX including Mixamo and iClone exports too
loading in DAZ studio you will need to do edit rigging convert to weighmapping general weights and save the parts as support assets to be able to use them
Thank you. that is a good starting point. I have the most current Version of Poser I go back and forth as to whether I use Poser or Daz but my current primary avatar is a Genisis 8 customized figure so its been alot of Daz lately.
I sense a learning curve ahead. :)
Thanks Wendy!
This is a very interesting idea. I'm glad I read it. Thanks.