Warning - fixable or just continue on and ignore them?

While viewing my log file to see if I could find a clue as to why AM's new Snow Leopard crashes DS everytimetime I use it, I came across these warning lines for each time DS is opened:
WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(419): Could not add path: "C:/Users/BlazingOwl/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/shaders/iray". Due to unknown error -2
WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(419): Could not add path: "C:/Users/BlazingOwl/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/shaders/iray". Due to unknown error -2
There is no such folder in Studio4; only ShaderBuilder or ShaderMixer
However, a couple of lines later is this:
Iray [INFO] - PLUG:PLUGIN :: 0.0 PLUG plug info : Loaded library "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\axf_importer.dll".
plus another 14.
What is the problem with the first two warnings? Is there something I need to do, to fix it?
Also, I have a plethora of this warning:
WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(305): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend warn : The 'iray_optix_prime' scene option is no longer supported.
during every DS session.
Build (I didn't update the latest patch since there were threads about issues)
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
4.6.0 NVIDIA 442.92
Warnings are generally not that important and can be ignored.
Those first twio warning could be a problem if there is supposed to be files there that DS won't be able to find. If your user name isn't "BlazingOwl" you should contact Daz and see if they can figure out who the PA is whose content is causing that.
You can ignore all those optix warnings.
The first one you can get rid of by creating that folder pathway, second one you can't do anything about, it's in the "temp" folder which means every time you close DS the contents of that folder get deleted.
The rest are just the standard DS start up routine.
The warnings you get from loading content are the errors you need to watch out for, too many of them can really stretch out load times.
I am new to this software - having a lot of crashes to the desktop. Most crashes occur when I use the viewport with my mouse
Also runing a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
DAZ Studio
I also get the same WARNING Could not add path: "C:/Users/Jim/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/shaders/iray". Due to unknown error -2
Could not add path: "C:/Users/Jim/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/shaders/iray". Due to unknown error -2
I switched to NVIDIA Studio Driver 431.86 based on another post- seem to have fewer crashes.
However now I get Iray [WARNING] - CUDA:RENDER :: 0.0 CUDA rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed.
Iray [WARNING] - CUDA:RENDER :: 0.0 CUDA rend warn : The version of your CUDA driver is 10.1, but 10.2 is the required minimum
Iray [WARNING] - CUDA:RENDER :: 0.0 CUDA rend warn : Please update your display driver (current version 431.86).
IRAY:RENDER :: 1.1 IRAY rend warn : CUDA module initialization failed with error 'CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version' (0x23); iray photoreal can only run in CPU mode. Please update your NVIDIA driver (www.nvidia.com).
IRAY:RENDER :: 1.1 IRAY rend info : Using iray plugin version 5.1, build 327300.3640 n, 30 Mar 2020, nt-x86-64-vc14.
IRAY:RENDER :: 1.1 IRAY rend warn : GPU 1 (GeForce GTX 1080 Ti) with CUDA compute capability -1.-1 cannot be used by iray photoreal.
IRAY:RENDER :: 1.1 IRAY rend warn : There is no CUDA-capable GPU available to the iray photoreal renderer.
Does this mean DAZ is only using the CPU for rendering ?
Is there a preferred NVIDIA driver for the 1080 Ti ?
Are special settings in the NVIDIA conrol o DAZ Drawing panel ?l
To use Iray you need driver 441.22 at least - see https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/341001/daz-studio-pro-4-12-highlights#latest
When DS crashes does it go straight to the desktop, or do you get the crash report dialogue?
Wow - thanks for your response - so quickly.
NVIDIA did not have 441.22, so I went with 441.28 Studio (Normal) and a clean install.
Now DS is crashing constantly again - as soon as Ido anything in the Viewport., e.g. I can open G8 charecters, hair, clothes.. But movement in Viewport causes crash.
All the crashes go to the desktop. There is a momentary freeze of whatever comand I was using, a flash of a black screen and I am at the desktop - no application running.
Attached is recent part of log file. I really do not know how to make sense of this
Your asset installation is borked.
Also the current driver is 451.48. Get it.
So I did a clean install of latest NVIDIA driver 451.48
Loaded a couple of primatives, used different shaders, moved them around and rendered.
Looks like DS recognized both the CPU and GPU but only the CPU was used in the renders.
Then loaded G8 female and base G8 hair and clothes - crashed. to desktop.
S owhat can I do to:
1) get DAZ to use GPU
2) fix my asset installation ??
Attached is log file.
First go into Render Settings -> Advanced and uncheck the CPU boxes.
Second how did you do a clean install? Did you use DDU? The log says the 1080ti failed on on a couple of renders and then didn't even try on another.
If you didn't use DDU get it and do a clean install. If you did then you need to start working through the things that could be keeping the 1080ti from working properly.
1) Is DS allowed to use it as a CUDA device in the Nvidia control panel?
2) Have you dusted the machine recently? If not do so.
3) Can you game on the card?
So it looks like DAZ is now working fine with latest NVIDIA driver 451.48 (6/24/2020)
Did clean install by clicking Clean Install box comes up when you select Custom install from NVIDIA.
Then ran game "Dirt Rally" with graphics set to ULTRA - it ran fine and used the GPU (could tell by temperature rise to 45-50 deg. C) Also ran Blender 2.83
Reinstalled all my basic G8 files - carefully checking file paths in DIM and DS.
Now DS seems fine - renders are much quicker as it is using the GPU (again confirmed by temperature rise)
Since it worked I downloaded but did not try DDU.
Thank you so much for your help and suggestions.
Do not count on the clean install option. When you're having driver issues DDU should be the first resort. It will fix problems that cannot be fixed short of a full format and reinstall of everything.