How do I edit 3DeLight custom shader Surfaces Tab?

Hi all.
I have (heavily) modified a shader. (Tri Layer Material Shader from 3dCheapSkate - I am trying to figure out how to customize the Surfaces Tab on a shader. I want move some of the settings around, add some and even move some of the (this might be the wrong word for it) channels (the sliders to the far right) to make it easier for me to use. (I also plan on modifing it even more, adding an elevation setting to make snow capped mountains, etc. so I will need to add new options later)
Does anyone out there know how to do this? I have Googled and searched the forums, but I can't seem to find how to do this. It's very possible I don't know exactly HOW to ask what I am looking for.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Some of the test renders I've done using it.

Click the gear icon on the slider/colour bar and select Parameter Settings - in there you can edit the Path, which is the grouping in the pane.
Thanks Richard! That totally worked. (A lot more effort than I imagined. Seems like there should be an easier way) I couldn't get the custom placement to save as a Shader Preset. When I loaded it into a new scene and applied it, the tab was all out of order again. (Looks like it changed to alphabetical order) Any ideas on how keep it in that order?
Properties within a group are ordered alphabetically, I don't think thre's away to avoid that.