Data errors on extracting

I have been getting data error messages on some of my files when extracting to Poser. Anyone have this problem?

Data error.jpg
996 x 754 - 452K


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Looks like your copy of the archive is corrupt, it happens, but rarely. Try a new download.

  • ArhainArtArhainArt Posts: 55
    NorthOf45 said:

    Looks like your copy of the archive is corrupt, it happens, but rarely. Try a new download.

    Tried that and still doing the same.

  • CasperArt said:
    NorthOf45 said:

    Looks like your copy of the archive is corrupt, it happens, but rarely. Try a new download.

    Tried that and still doing the same.

    Could be a bad source file, a bad transfer, 7zip getting stuck on stupid, or you might have a drive failure in the works.

    First try saving the download to a different directory and extracting there.

    Next try saving to an alternate drive and extracting there.

    Next try extracting with a different program. Winrar etc. I've found that with some files 7zip will produce errors while winrar won't and vice versa. Mostly depends on the compression that was used on the file(s).


    if none of that works, you may need to try contacting the site regarding the file to let them know it may be corrupted on their end.


    Also, if you're using a spin drive from the last couple years, check the PID(product ID) to make sure it's not one of the SMR(shingled magnetic recording) drives that have been causing problems lately.



  • ArhainArtArhainArt Posts: 55
    CasperArt said:
    NorthOf45 said:

    Looks like your copy of the archive is corrupt, it happens, but rarely. Try a new download.

    Tried that and still doing the same.

    Could be a bad source file, a bad transfer, 7zip getting stuck on stupid, or you might have a drive failure in the works.

    First try saving the download to a different directory and extracting there.

    Next try saving to an alternate drive and extracting there.

    Next try extracting with a different program. Winrar etc. I've found that with some files 7zip will produce errors while winrar won't and vice versa. Mostly depends on the compression that was used on the file(s).


    if none of that works, you may need to try contacting the site regarding the file to let them know it may be corrupted on their end.


    Also, if you're using a spin drive from the last couple years, check the PID(product ID) to make sure it's not one of the SMR(shingled magnetic recording) drives that have been causing problems lately.



    Finally found the reson behind the errors. The .pz2 files were actually empty files, was just there as part of an instruction to look in another folder for items, such as hand poses will be found in the hans folder as was the case with this. I did try other zip programs winace and MS's built in extraction and came up with the same issue.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Ah, the infamous zero-byte file bug. Often heard of it, never experienced it.

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