Making my own Amish buggy. How do I round corners on a cube primitive?

WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
edited May 2014 in The Commons

How do I round corners on a cube primitive in DS4.6?

Post edited by WillowRaven on


  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    Create it with some decent number of divisions. Go to the Scene tab and select it. Go to the Scene menu, select Edit | Geometry | Convert to SubD.

    Now go to Parameters and swing around the subdivision level a bit. The rounding is based on the number of divisions and the sub-d level, I believe.

    Not sure if there's another way...but that's the easiest, IMO. :)

    -- Morgan

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    Create it with some decent number of divisions. Go to the Scene tab and select it. Go to the Scene menu, select Edit | Geometry | Convert to SubD.

    Now go to Parameters and swing around the subdivision level a bit. The rounding is based on the number of divisions and the sub-d level, I believe.

    Not sure if there's another way...but that's the easiest, IMO. :)

    -- Morgan

    Thanks :D

    I'm trying to create an Amish buggy using another wagon base, blinding areas I don't want, resizing the wheels, and using primitives for the rest. lol

    Then I need to figure out how to save it in my runtime, lol.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    Then I need to figure out how to save it in my runtime, lol.

    From the menu bar, select File > Save As > Scene Subset.

    (That will allow the resulting .duf to be added to your scene when you double-click on the content thumbnail, rather than replacing the scene as would happen had you selected File > Save As > Scene.)

    Make sure you save it into a content folder you have mapped as "DAZ Studio Formats" in the Content Directory Manager and are backing up so any associated data files get saved where they can be found again later.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    How do I segment the six sides of a cube so I can blind or change the color of each side differently?

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    Two ways I can think of. One is to UV map it. There's a free version of UV Mapper available I think it might be here (verify I got the right website though):

    The second way is just within DS:
    To select individual polygons and create a new surface: Tools > "Polygon Group Editor".
    In the viewport, click on one poly to select it then hold Ctrl down and select any other polygons you want (or optionally you can select with a rectangle). Right click and choose Polygon Assignment > Create Surface from Selected. (you can also TEMPORARILY hide polygons here with "Polygon Visibility" > "Hide selected", but this isn't saved with the scene.) Give the new surface a name. You will then see a new material zone in the "Surfaces (color)" pane. You can set it to 0% opacity to make it permanently hidden. If you want to see what the Uvmapping is like select all the surfaces and go in to UVView mode

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    Here is what I have so far, and my photo reference. I am still having trouble giving it a less sharp-cornered look, and need to texture it and blind a few spots, but getting closer to something I can use in a render if it's not a close-up.

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  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited May 2014

    I am actually not seeing the rounded corners on your primitives. I assume they are they, but just very subtle? The number of divisions your object has before you subdivide will also have an effect, you might want to experiment with that. Attached screenshot, from left to right, shows a cube with 10 divisions, 5, then 2. The one with 10 has very small rounded corners (but also is much more smooth.) the one with only 2 has a larger area of effect, but looks pretty ratty up close.

    I am now wondering if this might not be the best way to approach it. I really haven't used subdivisions much myself to try to intentionally create a specific object, but it looks like the effects might not be quite what you want. Perhaps you could combine a few things. For example, putting cylinders along the top left and right sides to get a larger round surface, then put a cube in the middle that overlaps halfway into each cylinder, and lower that halfway down into the body of the cart so you only see the top half of the curves. It won't look great up close or with non-solid textures where you'll see the seams, and inside staring at the roof would be a problem, but for your example render it should work fine.

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    Post edited by sriesch on
  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    I removed the subdivides because I couldn't make it look right, lol. How big a primitive are you using at 10 divides?

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure I understand the question. I think the cube in the top left upper screenshot was 1 meter, but I don't think that affects anything, you can resize it to whatever you need. Or were you asking something else?

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure if you absolutely need the rounded corners, but there is an amish buggy at sharecg that looks fairly close to what you're wanting.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    I'm not sure I understand the question. I think the cube in the top left upper screenshot was 1 meter, but I don't think that affects anything, you can resize it to whatever you need. Or were you asking something else?

    I just didn't know if the initial size of the cube made a difference in the amount of divisions.

  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    I'm not sure if you absolutely need the rounded corners, but there is an amish buggy at sharecg that looks fairly close to what you're wanting.

    I did see that but it seemed kinda squared off, too ... lol. I was HOPING I could do better, but I don't seem to be, lol.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    I just didn't know if the initial size of the cube made a difference in the amount of divisions.

    Nope, the size is independent of the number of divisions. You can enter both values when you create a new primitive. It defaults to whatever you did last, but you can change them.
    233 x 229 - 12K
  • WillowRavenWillowRaven Posts: 3,787
    edited December 1969

    ok :D

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