Bump map problems in version

I have a problem in version 4.12 of DAZ. Height maps from Substance Painter could be used in the bump channel of the standard iRay shader. You could cranck them up to 50 and this would ad some subtle details to a render. In version 4.12 a regular square dimple pattern appears on all my models. I can mitigate this through the removal of the Bump map. I checked if Substance Painter was the problem so i made a neutral grey "bumpmap" and was rewarded with the same pattern.
Does anyone have any ideas? I got the latest Windows release last week (problem persisted) and I installed the latest NVidia drivers for my 980TI. I tried rendering in the Viewport, using CPU and GPU no change.....only when I disable the height map all looks normal. In 4.11 all was well.
Greets, ArtisanS
P.S. the Bump scale with the scale of the PNG....4096 means more but smaller dimples....but the .png is still neutral grey......beats me!

I had a similar problem when rendering the Big Bill Truck. The first render had almost the exact pattern you showed.
I found out that I could solve the problem by reducing the texture compression settings.
These settings are in the Render Settings -> Advanced Tab. Usually you don't see an impact. However the image below clearly shows the pattern when the compression affects the textures. In the case of the Big Bill Truck (Iray version) they are 8K! So maybe try to set these values as large as your textures are, or manually reduce the textures. However make sure you close DAZ Studio between rendering experiments, because I saw the fix only after closing and rerendering.
Thanks a lot. I vaguelly remember I tinkered with these settings...about 7 month ago. And forgot to set them back. So not a problem anymore. Maybe a small warning in the GUI could not heart.
Live long and prosper....