what the heck is up with DAZ and onedrive

So, I'm not a PC user. Been an apple lover all life. Except I have been using DAZ on my MAC for over a year and it has been a bit of a nightmare, the GPU not able to handle it. So I splurged and built myself a PC spending thousands just to use this freaking program. 

Everything was great. Then after about ten minutes of using it, I get notified that my OneDrive is full, and I look and see all of DAZ's programs have been saved there even though when I installed DAZ Central I pointed it to install everything on my C drive. I unlinked the onedrive, but every five minutes it would link itself again so DAZ could access it. I got fed up and moved all the folders to my local drive and went into DAZ's content directory and routed it to all the local folders instead of the onedrive ones. No luck. DAZ couldn't find the folders even though it was pointing right at them. Then it started sending installs to my onedrive again! Even though I had uninstalled the damn onedrive and unlinked it. 

So I tried uninstalling DAZ. But it only gave me the option of uninstalling DAZ central. I did this. But there were still all these random DAZ folders spread out all over my computer. I tried deleting them all but don't think I tracked them all down. I reinstalled DAZ central, reinstalled DAZ Studio and what did it do. Install DAZ studio on my goddamned onedrive again after specifically telling it not to! Now when I open DAZ studio it has exclamations marks in all program files and can't install them. If I save a file it will, but when I try to open it, it says it can't find all bunch files in order to do it. It's completely wacked. I have read a few forums that have been complaining about this but haven't found any answers that make sense to me. I don't understand PC lingo and am sorry for all the exclamation marks but I shelled out a bunch of money for what seems now to be a completely useless venture.

Can anybody tell me, in layman's terms, like you are speaking to a three-year-old, how to uninstall every tiny bit of this program from every nook and cranny of my PC and onedrive and then how to reinstall it so that it stays on my l local folder and doesn't keep creating onedrive folders for its content? I will cry from happiness if you can. 


  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409

    OneDrive is a Microsoft thing ... can sign into your Microsoft account and delete everything from said cloud storage service.

    When downloading anything from anywhere, have to watch where it's being downloaded to ... setting the browser's download locations, etc. too.

    I have not installed Daz Central or DIM ... but there are likely 2 locations to pick, one to download to and another to install to. Comb through all the options to be sure there still isn't a link to OneDrive.



  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409

    To remove everything:

    Click on the Windows symbol {bottom left corner}, click on the 'funny looking flower' [Settings], then click on Apps ... one by one, click on ONLY ONE at a time to remove any apps. [programs now tend to be called apps]. W10 will then uninstall the selected programs.

    If choosing to do a manual install, install the PostsgrSQL first, then D/S [which may or not install it again, that's fine], then you may wish to download the zips for all your purchases to an external harddrive, then unzip and install them to your main Content/My Library folder location [which can also be on an external harddrive if you want it there]. When opening D/S open the Content Manager dialog and set the paths to the locations where you have installed this content and hopefully [refresh the panel view] everything will appear on the Content Panel in D/S.
    One can also run something [D/S is not open atm, I think it's still from the Content Manager] to have it locate and run all those Support files - then content will also appear under Smart Content.


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,558

    Okay, sounds like you have your hands full.

    First, let's take care of OneDrive. It might have included your Documents folder, which probably also contains your default DAZ Studio installation folder. You could (dare I say should) change the installation folder to somewhere OneDrive wouldn't look, like a second drive (your content will grow to fill all available space, so consider your storage options), or any other folder outside of Documents. Uninstalling OneDrive probably gets overridden by the cloud-end configuration which is trying to reconnect to the PC to sync the data, because it hasn't been told not to. (Unlinking and not connecting automatically should avoid all that, but who knows for sure how this stuff works?) Since the account has been created, you will probably have to set it up to remove the folders you don't want to include anymore so that it doesn't try to sync again. Get to the OneDrive Control panel and choose the folders to include, or not, in the Account settings. You can then move or delete the content on your PC and it shouldn't bother you with that any more. Not sure if that will clean up the cloud-end copy of the content, so you should check it from the View Online browser access and delete it from there. Then you can try uninstalling OneDrive again, or just leave it, since it won't be trying to sync the content anymore.

    Now you should be able to install the content where you want. There are many discussions about how to do that (DIM, Central, Connect, Manual) and how to organize it to your liking, but that is a real basket of snakes. I use DIM (DAZ Central is apparently the same functionality in a different UI) which makes it a snap to update and uninstall content, but you must live with contorted folder structures (I categorize everything without touching the original locations). Connect is made to work with Smart Content, but it, too, has shortcomings. Manual is for the ultimate control freak, but be prepared to fuss over it.

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