How to save character to archive

Hi, I created my characters and would like to sell it or just give it to another person. Help me with saving the character to the archive. Perhaps there is a step-by-step tutorial on this topic. I have been tossing around this for 4 days, but nothing works, please help
Are these morphs of existing Genesis* figures? Or your very own 100% creations? [affects which information needs to be saved]
Morphs are my self-made saved in support asset / morph asset to \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\UGAROMIX\Ellie
The character is ready, I do not understand how to save it correctly in the character library
File>Save As>Character Preset will save the shape sett9ngs and materials, Shaping preset will save just the shape.
It does not work, character is served without morphs
Are the sliders for your custom morphs available when you load a fresh Genesis 8 Female?