External eGPU setup for my Mac

Hi Guys, I'm pretty new to Daz. I'm currently using my MacBook Pro annd am looking to add an externnal GPU with a NVIDIA card. Does anyone hwva any suggestions on what case and card would be a good option that won't financially cripple me!?
Thanks in advance
Good luck with THAT.
At this point fear the best eGPU option for Mac users is a basic Windows box, space and software licenses permitting. Certainly having a Windows render box alongside the Mac workhorse is OK using DS and Daz content
This. If all you want to do is render in iRay a cheap used computer, check Groupon and other such sites for refurb machines, big enough and with enough PSU to run a GPU would be a far better choice.
All the decent brand enclosure start at $300 without a card at all. For that you can definitely get an old box that will fit your needs. Once it is setup it would be reasonably easy to set it up to share the same file paths as your Mac so you'd be able to use the asset library on your Mac as well.