RDNA Purchases?

I bought products before RDNA was purhcased by DAZ3D, but how do I get my content if heaven forbid, I lose my original files? I know a lot of vendors moved here, but the items I purchased from them at RDNA don't show up in my purchased content here (Bast outfit & Bast hair especially). I'm just getting back into DAZStudio after moving to Poser for a stint & want to make sure I have the DS files. What do I do?
I'm afraid there's no way to get downloads for products which were not moved here.
You could try contacting the vendor directly and ask them, but there's no guarantee.
Is that Bast and Bast Hair for V4? They are available in the store. They should have been transferred to your new account if you had changed your RDNA account e-mail address to match the one you use here at the time of the takeover (granted, that was four years ago). If you missed it, contact the Help Center and have proof-of-purchase ready. Maybe they can sort it out.
ETA: And any others that are still available here...
Yes, it's the Bast & Bast Hair for V4. My emails didn't match I don't think. I'll check my emails for my RDNA reciepts & contact support. Thanks.