Offline authentication?

Earlier this year I made my big PC (the one with my DS installation) into a permanently offline PC. It has all my big RAM, my best GPU, lots of storage, 3 monitors, etc and it runs happily in complete isolation. The only contact it now has with the outside world is when I transfer files via a USB stick from my laptop (which is online, and loaded up with antivirus, antimalware, VPN and every other kind of security I can give it).
However, I do occasionally tweak the offline PC and it has now fallen victim to the "User must reauthenticate" issue. Plugging the big PC into the internet is simply not going to happen, no way. Is there any other way around this problem? If it is going to do this whenever I change hard drives or peripheral devices, then Connect (which I originally used) is a waste of time.
Can I reauthenticate any other way? If not, what are my options? I can manually download and reinstall everything again if I have to, but I am hoping there is a better way...
AFAIK there's no other way, you have to connect to the internet once to authenticate.