Why do some cloth simulations explode? SOLVED (sort of)

Is there a parameter I can chage to get them to be more stable?
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
Are some clothes not compatable with some HD figures and their geometry?
Post edited by RexRed on
The most frequent reason is that the cloth is intersecting with some other mesh, typically the figure or some other parts of the outfit.
Another typical reason is not having enough time for the simulation.
Or not having enough steps, especially if there are rapid changes in the pose - adding more iterations/sub-frames may help here.
You are all very helpful because I have items explode a lot so, now I know why.
My problem was a bit more complicated and I figured it out, sort of.
It could be a number of things that caused this but I found out roughly the problem and fixed it (rather, eliminated it).
I have been working with the restaurant "Nook" sold in the DAZ store.
I imported the Nook and ran a script on it to convert all of its 3delight textures to Iray.
Then I selected the Nook and scaled it a bit larger so my Gen 8 based character's feet would properly rest on the floor.
I kept one of the area lights and the original camera and altered a few textures like the light bulb above the table and the glass in the windows.
I also changed the environment HDRI render settings..
After that, every time I would run a simulation the clothes would explode (what I thought).
But I think it was more like a wind was blowing them off my character.
Somehow a default wind force was being applied to the scene.
Both inside the nook and outside the nook this same problem occurred in the simulation on my character.
I saved the Nook group to my user content, and saved each character also.
Then I created a "new" project and imported each item.
The problem went away, no more wind.
Before I fixed this, I many times set the simulation settings to default and I tinkered with the air resistance parameter thinking that would fix the wind problem but it did not.
I looked around through my scene for any kind of wind node and found none (that I could see).
It may have been some kind of setting in my environment were in the previous scene I loaded a lot of HDRI render settings testing them out.
If anyone knows what can create this phantom wind anomaly please let me know. Regardless, it is gone now.
I will check back here for any suggestions.
Thanks for the tips, I learned from these tips you offered, they were very useful, and thanks for any future responses.
Merging the items into a new scene would have given you a reset on the Simulation Settings (which save with the scene file). I suspect something had ganged agley and the Defaults button wasn't clearing it.
Hmmm Richard, that is interesting. I do not know the default states well enough yet to know which ones might have been off. It is nice that saving the subsets and starting with a "new" scene worked to reset the defaults.
It was not a mild wind but a very strong wind that was almost tearing off the clothing, in very long sharp pointed peaks all in the same direction from right to left along the x axis.
I think I had to actually close Daz, then open it fresh and then start a new scene for it to work.
I am just glad there is a work around. Thanks for the responses, they/you are always very helpful!