Daz instancing and core usage

Since the changes were introduced a couple of patches back which meant you couldn't open multiple instances of Daz easily by clicking the run icon again I've been using the instancing script which works well but has led me to wonder why the way Daz utilises the CPU cores has remained the same. The first instance of Daz uses #CPU0 and quickly hits 100% usage of this core, when I start a second instance of Daz this also uses #CPU0 which is usually already running at its maximum load.
Is there a method to alter this so that concurrent instances of Daz automatically use another core? I've got 28 cores and it's frustrating to see only one of them being used :(
That is odd behaviour - for me the CPU activity from DS, as with most applciations, seems to get distributed across the available cores so a thread runnign full-pelt does not in fact use one core at 100%. Which operating system are you using, and are you using any tools to control CPU affinity?
Yeah, it's very odd indeed! When I'm rendering and such it does utilise all of the available cores, the issue is more around Daz actions. For example, if I'm saving a complex scene it only uses a single core (always CPU0) and can take a little while to complete. It's definitely the CPU bottlenecking here as the discs barely hit 5-10% of their capacity. If I try to do something else in a different instance of Daz such as loading a character, it also tries to do this using the same single core and typically locks up for a while.
I'm on Windows 10. I've not changed any priorities or affinities.
It's.... weird.
II wasn't surprised at its usign only a single thread - most operations in DS are single-threaded - my surprise was that the thread was being allocated to a single physical core.