Transfer Utility Problems/ Tipps?

Hey, im using Transfer Utility a Long time ago, its OK for the Most Basic Clothes, but now i have an Problem, with an GOTH jacket i have this Problems..

any TIpps for that? , or is there an Parameter that helps me with that?

used Marvelous Designer  for that Shape !


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    You will need to do weight painting. Basic Transfer utility will refer a vertex to the closest body part, amd that will not match for loose clothing.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    The Transfer Utility applies influence of a bone to the vertices of the fitted item according to which bone each vertex is closest to. In your case, the base shape has the sides of the outfit closer to the arm than the chest so they move with the arm while other parts stay with the chest and the polygons between get stretched out. The fix is to edit the weight maps with the Node Weight Map Brush tool to tell those areas of the cloth to move with the correct bone, instead of the arm.

    With all but the simplest, tight-fitting body suit the Transfer Utility is likely to be a starting point rather than the last step.

  • Mhh Okay Thanks !,   yeah i was thinking about that,  but looks like i need to do some handwork, but thats Okay :D

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